Tuesday, June 28, 2022

All over but the shouting now

As they used to say in the 60s, if you don't vote, you can't complain. I bought my ticket.

And I'm sure you did as well.

A great many of our friends and neighbors did not. As of 3:00 p.m., according to ABC-7, citywide turnout was only 14.7%, a dismal figure that includes early voting numbers.

But we can save that discussion for later.

For now, before any meaningful votes are counted, it is time to salute the efforts of the judicial candidates, and congratulate them. Win or lose, they did what they could and they deserve a moment of respite, before having to detail with the grubby deatails of who got more votes than whom.... More to come....

1 comment:

Tom Davy said...

Thank you for covering the judicial races. Anytime someone asks for my recommendations I refer them to FWIW. Now you can take a break and get back to being the law talking guy.(If this was a learned treatise there would be a footnote referencing The Simpsons.) And hope you had a Happy Mel Brooks Birthday.