Saturday, June 25, 2022

Start here for the most complete information about every 2022 Cook County judicial race

Bumped up for greater visibility
Updated June 23, 2022

This is the interactive, voter-friendly part of FWIW. What follows is a list of every Cook County judicial vacancy on the June primary ballot. Click on any race. The post you'll land on will show all the candidates, in ballot order, with all the information about each candidate that I've been able to assemble. Where a candidate has provided FWIW with a statement, a link to that statement will be available from that post as well.

There is a link at the bottom of each of these Organizing the Data posts, so voters can examine each contested race in detail, one candidate at a time, and come right back here.

Every Organizing the Data post -- and this one -- will be updated as additional information comes in. I will bump this post up periodically in the days remaining before the primary.

Voters may want to read more about specific the endorsements listed below each candidate. If you click on this link you'll get all the Endorsement posts I've done. (Pro tip: Stop when you run out of 2022 posts.) And if you prefer an overall visualization, clicking here will get you to the latest Alliance grids that I have.

Anyway, here's the list of all judicial vacancies to be filled in the 2022 election. Again, each contested race is linked to an Organizing the Data post:
Appellate Court - Hall Vacancy
Appellate Court - Harris Vacancy

Countywide - Brennan Vacancy
Countywide - Callahan, Jr. Vacancy
Countywide - Gordon Cannon Vacancy
Countywide - Hyman Vacancy
Countywide - Ingram Vacancy
Countywide - Leeming Vacancy
Countywide - Lynch Vacancy
Countywide - McGury Vacancy
Countywide - O'Brien Vacancy
Countywide - Sullivan Vacancy

1st Subcircuit - Johnson Vacancy

4th Subcircuit - Gavin Vacancy
4th Subcircuit - Rogers Vacancy

5th Subcircuit - Portman-Brown Vacancy
5th Subcircuit - Shelley Vacancy

6th Subcircuit - Araujo Vacancy (uncontested)
6th Subcircuit - Vega Vacancy

7th Subcircuit - Martin Vacancy

8th Subcircuit - Gordon Vacancy
8th Subcircuit - Lipscomb Vacancy

9th Subcircuit - Cleveland Vacancy
9th Subcircuit - Jacobius Vacancy

11th Subcircuit - McGuire Vacancy

13th Subcircuit - Groebner Vacancy (Republican primary)
13th Subcircuit - Groebner Vacancy (Democratic primary)

14th Subcircuit - Brown Vacancy (uncontested)
14th Subcircuit - Jagielski Vacancy

15th Subcircuit - Lawler Vacancy


Anonymous said...

Late breaking

Jack Leyhane said...

Yes. See this post for more on the Injustice Watch article about Judge Gudino.