Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Barrett, McKenna prevail in 15th Subcircuit

Michael B. Barrett bested Ashonta Rice-Akiwowo in the race for the Scully, Jr. vacancy in the 15th Subcircuit. With 277 of 285 precincts reporting, Barrett leads 27,787 to 19,576.

This must be vindication of a sort for Barrett: He lost a 2014 bid for a 15th Subcircuit vacancy by only 15 votes.

In the race for the Zelezinski vacancy, Scott McKenna has apparently defeated Judge Anthony C. Swanagan. The margin at this point is 2,269 votes. Unlike most primary winners, however, McKenna must now face a November opponent: Karla Marie Fiaoni was unopposed in her bid for the Republican nomination for this vacancy.

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