Judges Adrienne E. Davis (Laws vacancy) and Toya T. Harvey (Rhodes vacancy) are the 2nd Subcircuit candidates issuing an invitation to a breakfast tribute celebrating Women's History Month this Saturday, March 3, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m., at Victory Christian International Center, 2206 West 167th Street, in Markham.
The keynote speaker at Saturday's event will be Illinois Supreme Court Justice Anne M. Burke. Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle is also scheduled to provide remarks.
For more information, or to RSVP for this event, email salutetowomen2018@gmail.com by Thursday, March 1.
What is the math equivalent of a Hallmark Holiday?
Seen on Facebook. Posted there by... I don't know who because Facebook
decided it should refresh its page on my screen and send the post from
which I had ...
2 weeks ago
So a Supreme Court Justice can make a speech on behalf of two judicial candidates?
And every time I get a comment like this I become even more concerned about mandatory efiling.
What happens to reading comprehension when the letters are projected as pixels on a screen instead of printed on paper?
The two candidates are hosting the breakfast, presumably meaning they are members of, or are at least friendly with the management of, the church in which this breakfast is to be staged, but it is a breakfast ostensibly in support of Women's History Month -- not specifically a political event. (Even though I'm sure the hosts and sponsors hope registered voters will attend and be sufficiently impressed by the host-judges to vote for them.) There's no restriction on a Supreme Court Justice speaking at a breakfast celebrating Women's History Month.
Also, Justice Burke is presumably a candidate for retention this year and, as such, even if this were expressly presented as a political event, which it is not, she could do so.
Less money for game day and they won't be out meeting NEW voters. I bet their opponents will be out doing the heavy lifting this weekend. #appointed2017
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