These endorsements are not yet listed on the IVI-IPO website, but per email received from the IVI-IPO, FWIW can report that the organization made the following endorsements (note that all candidates listed are running in the Democratic Primary; no judicial candidates were endorsed in any Republican contest):
Countywide Races
Brewer vacancy - Kathryn Maloney Vahey
Dooling vacancy - Timothy John Leeming
Jordan vacancy - Jerry Barrido
McGinnis vacancy - Bradley R. Trowbridge
Subcircuit Races
1st Subcircuit (Hambright vacancy) - Litricia Payne
2nd Subcircuit (Lampkin vacancy) - Fredrick H. Bates
2nd Subcircuit (Laws vacancy) - William H. Laws
2nd Subcircuit (Willis vacancy) - Debra A. Seaton
5th Subcircuit (Banks vacancy) - H. Yvonne Coleman
5th Subcircuit (Jones vacancy) - Marian Emily Perkins
5th Subcircuit (Washington II vacancy) - Robert Harris
6th Subcircuit (Chevere vacancy) - Kent Delgado
6th Subcircuit (Cooke vacancy) - Charles "Charlie" Beach
6th Subcircuit (Lopez Cepero vacancy) - Stephanie K. Miller
8th Subcircuit (Fabri vacancy) - James "Jamie" Shapiro
8th Subcircuit (Liu vacancy) - Lindsay Huge
8th Subcircuit (Pethers vacancy) - Jeanne Marie Wrenn
10th Subcircuit (O'Neill Burke vacancy) - Lorraine Murphy
10th Subcircuit (Suriano vacancy) - Jill Rose Quinn
11th Subcircuit (Kennedy vacancy) - Joanne F. Rosado
12th Subcircuit (Maki vacancy) - Joel Chupack
Another round of useless endorsements.
The IVI-IPO made endorsements. Ooh, wow. At least they didn't charge these suckers $40,000 like those thieves at the Cook County Democratic Party. Then again, $4.00 for an IVI-IPO endorsement seems a bit steep too, considering what you get in return: NOTHING.
Remaining objection challenges?
Says the person who didn't get endorsed?
Says the person who has never ever seen an IVI-IPO sample ballot anywhere outside of Hyde Park or Lincoln Park . . . and not anywhere else since 1994.
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