Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Town Hall Meeting for judicial candidates Saturday, February 27

The Chicago Citizen Newspaper is sponsoring a Town Hall Meeting for Cook County Judicial candidates this Saturday, February 27, from 10:00 a.m. to noon, at the QBG Foundation/ Chicago Citizen Newspaper Building, 806 E. 78th Street.

The candidates pictured above have all registered to speak at the event, according to Citizen Managing Editor Larissa M. Tyler, who added that judicial candidates who did not register are still invited to come to the event, hand out their literature, and "meet the community."

This is the third election cycle in which the Citizen has sponsored a judicial candidate forum, Tyler said. Judge LaGuina Clay-Herron will speak at the event and Judge Lewis M. Nixon, the Supervising Judge of the Mortgage Foreclosure/ Mechanics Lien Section of the Chancery Division, will again serve as moderator and timekeeper, ensuring that all the registered candidates have an opportunity to be heard.


Anonymous said...

Is there a site where we can find a listing of the slated candidates in each of the subcircuit races?

Jack Leyhane said...

No. The Committeemen in each subcircuit are under no obligation to say who they slated before the palm cards come out on Election Day, and really not even then.

However, I've reported what I've been able to find out. In the 1st Subcircuit, Judges Maryam Ahmad and Anthony E. Simpkins have been slated. In the 6th, Carlos Claudio is slated in the only contested race (the other two, uncontested candidates are also slated, of course, as is Judge King in the 4th, also uncontested, and Matthew Link in the 14th -- you can always tell the slated candidate in the 14th because no one else ever seems to run). Jennifer Ballard and Judge Marianne Jackson were slated for the two vacancies in the 7th Subcircuit, Judge Jerry Esrig was slated in the 9th. Judge Eve Marie Reilly was not endorsed for the 10th Subcircuit vacancy... but then the slated candidate withdrew and Judge Reilly was endorsed. Judges Marc Martin and William B. Sullivan were slated in the 11th Subcircuit. Sullivan is unopposed.

There are four vacancies in the 12th Subcircuit. Slated here are Louis George Apostol, Judge Carrie Hamilton, Jim Hanlon, and Janet Mahoney. Hamilton is unopposed in the Democratic Primary but will face Republican David Studenroth in November. In the 13th Subcircuit, Ketki "Kay" Steffen is unopposed in her Democratic Primary bid. I assume she has been slated; she will face a Republican opponent, however, in the last remaining traditionally Republican subcircuit in November.

That leaves Subcircuits 2 and 5. I know Judge Freddrenna M. Lyle is unopposed in her 5th Subcircuit race; she was previously slated countywide for the Appellate Court. I assume that she was slated here as well. I don't know, but I strongly suspect that Judge Leonard Murray and Judge Robin Denis Shoffner are slated in their respective 5th Subcircuit races, and Travis Richardson may likewise have been slated, though I don't know that for certain, in his 2nd Subcircuit race. I do know that all three of these candidates are claiming extensive support from elected officials within the Democratic Party.

Those are the best answers I have.