Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Subcircuit results: Closest race in the 11th Subcircuit

Audrey Victoria Cosgrove narrowly carried the 11th Subcircuit's suburban precincts; Kim Przekota is ahead in the City count. At this time, Przekota has a 273 vote lead, 11,545 to 11,272. The result here is not clear.

But most subcircuit contested races appear to have been resolved:
  • Lucy Vazquez-Gonzalez handily carried both the City and suburban precincts in the new 3rd Subcircuit.

  • Judge Owens J. Shelby seems to have won his race to hold his 7th Subcircuit seat, carrying significant margins in both City and suburbs.

  • James V. Murphy has prevailed in his contested 10th Subcircuit race, with margins in the City and suburbs both.

  • Griselda Vega Samuel is the clear victor in the City-only 14th subcircuit.

  • Luciano "Lou" Panici, Jr. has a clear plurality in the three-way race in the suburbs-only 15th Subcircuit.

  • In a battle of associate judges, Jeffrey G. Chrones is ahead by 741 votes in the suburban-only 18th Subcircuit.

  • In the 19th Subcircuit race, Bridget Colleen Duignan holds solid margins in both the City and suburban returns and seems assured of victory at this point.

  • Nadine Jean Wichern wound up with twice as many votes as her nearest two competitors in the only 4-person judicial race on the Cook County ballot, in the City-only 20th Subcircuit.
Przekota was slated in her subcircuit race. I can't say with certainty that Lucy Vazquez-Gonzalez, Owens J. Shelby, Griselda Vega Samuel, Luciano "Lou" Panici, Jr., and Bridget Colleen Duignan were in fact slated in their respective subcircuits. But they all enjoyed the lion's share of local political support.

The local committeepersons were split in the 10th Subcircuit race, so Murphy's apparent win there can not be seen as a 'defeat' for the Party (although Party Chair Preckwinkle did expressly endorse Murphy's opponent).

But Chrones appears to have defeated the candidate slated by the Party committeepersons in the 18th Subcircuit. Wichern defeated the candidate who enjoyed the greatest support from elected officials in the 20th Subcircuit.

On balance, it was also a good night for subcircuit candidates enjoying Party support. But, unlike the Party's countywide judicial slate, their success was not unanimous.


Unknown said...

Why does cook county clerk website show many fewer votes cast but says 100 percent reported?

Jack Leyhane said...

If you're asking about the 11th Subcircuit, it has City and suburban precincts. Many of the subcircuits do, but not all. Subcircuits 14 and 20 are entirely in Chicago. Subcircuits 15 and 18 are entirely suburban.

So, for races in subcircuits including City and suburban precincts, one must look at both sets of results and do math.