Tuesday, August 01, 2023

It's a small list -- for now -- but it will soon grow substantially

Blogger/Google tells me that most readers access this site from mobile devices, which is all well and good, of course.

But while no mobile user ever misses a new post on FWIW, there are things on this site that readers may find of interest that can be accessed only from a desktop computer or properly configured tablet. One of these is the 2024 Cook County Circuit Court Candidate List that I put up on this site's Sidebar.

I put up that list this morning.

For now, the list is very short -- it includes all 2024 campaign websites I've posted about previously here on FWIW, but those are all sites that campaigns have either pointed me to or that I have run across while stumbling and bumbling through social media. Here is the initial list:

I will, in due course, put up a similar list for Appellate Court candidates and, if there are as many as I expect, for Supreme Court candidates, too. And, of course, I'll be adding to this list as new sites go up.

And, for those who might be worried about such things, it costs nothing to get on my list. I will put up sites for candidates who are slated, not slated, well connected, or not connected at all. Heck, I'll put up sites for Republican candidates, should any surface. (I'll be updating my 'groundrules' post in the next few days.)

Candidates and their supporters will click through the various sites in the Candidate Lists looking to size up potential competition and, perhaps, pick up some design tips. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Consultants and other content creators will likely also visit the lists, doing research.

And, at some point, actual voters will start clicking through the lists, too, trying to judge the declared accomplishments and credentials of the indivuals seeking to serve as judges.

I can predict all this with some certainty because all these things have happened in past election cycles.

But, for now, there is only one list, and it is short. It will grow. To that end, feel free to email me with additional campaign websites, whether yours or someone's you have seen.


Anonymous said...

A lot of these websites look to be using the same platform. Kinda lame.

Anonymous said...

Actually you can just click on web version above your about me section to view the sidebar.