The Illinois Supreme Court has appointed Thomas M. Cushing to the countywide vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Nicholas R. Ford.
The appointment was made on the recommendation of Justice Mary Jane Theis; the Supreme Court has issued this press release announcing the appointment, which will be effective June 19, 2019 and terminate December 7, 2020.
Currently, Cushing is Of Counsel for Christopher A. Kreid & Assoc. for the last six years, focusing on general civil litigation and chancery matters. Before that, Cushing had his own firm, Thomas M. Cushing, LLC, for 13 years. He also spent 17 years at Ambrose & Cushing, PC, where he was a trial and appellate attorney.
According to the Supreme Court's press release, Justice Theis recommended Cushing's appointment after he was previously reviewed by bar associations and a special judicial screening committee. Cushing received highly qualified or recommended ratings from a dozen bar groups, according to the court's press release. Cushing was a countywide judicial candidate in the 2016 primary; he sought a 9th Subcircuit seat in the 2014 primary. He enjoyed superlative bar ratings in both of those races.
Cushing earned his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Notre Dame and received his Juris Doctor from the Loyola University School of Law.
Cushing has additionally served as an Adjunct Faculty Member at the Loyola University School of Law, has taught numerous Continuing Legal Education courses, and has been an invited lecturer on over 65 occasions. He has been an appointed Hearing Board Member for the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission since 2013.
Opportunities for responsibly disposing Christmas trees and holiday light
The Three Kings have dropped off their gifts and are returning to their own
countries by a different route, just as they were warned to do in a dream.
It i...
1 week ago
He will have a female opponent, as will they all. Including Tim Evans. Yes Judge Mays, even you will have one.
Diane Gordon Cannon has retired. She took the not so subtle hints that Injustice Watch and JAPAC have been sending her.
So will the party "reward" him as it did Tom McGuire (who opposed Rosanna Fernandez) after running against a 2016 slated candidate (Alex Gillespie)? Will M.J. Theis "save" him as she did Patrick Stanton if he loses in 2020? Oh inquiring minds want to know. Winter is Coming. And my Irish female neighbor in the 19th Ward calls dibs on Cushing. My other neighbors have already tagged Amendola, Brooks and Derico.
Thank you Justice Theis for, yet again, offering up another male sacrificial lamb for slaughter in the 2020 Year of the Woman! Trump's war on women and reproductive choice has made it possible for us to rise up and take ALL judicial vacancies in the 2020 primary. Hell, some of us aren't Democrats or even pro-choice, but we are going to take advantage of this situation and slay our male oppressors. So it's nothing personal, boys. And it certainly isn't racial, because ALL of the men will be targeted this year. No exceptions, no exemptions, no quarter.
Sincerely, and in unity,
Reilly's Daughters Brigade
The Ujama Sisterhood
Mujeres Latinas Unidades
The Damen Avenue Polski Broads
Lightfoot's Liberation Army of "Girlstown" (ain't no "Boy's Town" anymore!)
P.S. Lorna Propes will CRUSH Tim "I Know Nothing, I See Nothing" Evans
And Hyman and Griffin are toast.
Power to the Sisterhood!
He already has an opponent: me. And my ballot name is even better than his last countywide opponent. Unless my name is Tom Cushing and I am writing this post to fool you ladies into going after one of the other sitting judges. Go after Maloney or Boyle. They aren’t THAT Irish.
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