A campaign website has been set up in support of Judge Stephanie Miller's bid to retain her 6th Subcircuit seat. That's a link to the campaign website in the preceding sentence; a link has been added to the blog Sidebar.
The Illinois Supreme Court appointed Judge Miller to the Lopez Cepero vacancy in the 6th Subcircuit earlier this year. Her campaign bio notes that, prior to her appointment, Miller served as an Assistant State's Attorney, supervising "several attorneys in felony trial courtrooms in courthouses throughout the county." While an ASA, Miller "co-founded the National LGBT Prosecutor’s Bar Association and served as the treasurer for the National Hispanic Prosecutor’s Association."
According to her campaign website, Miller lives with her wife and twins "in Chicago where she is an active member of the West Bucktown Neighborhood Association, Maplewood and Lucy Flowers Park Advisory Counsel and Friends of Goethe Elementary School."
Miller's supporters are planning a fundraiser for their candidate on Monday, June 19, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the @mosphere Bar, 5355 North Clark Street. Tickets for the event are $50 each but sponsorships are available (Host - $150, Sponsor - $300, Patron - $500, Chair - $1,000). For more information about the fundraiser, or to reserve tickets, email Michilla@electjudgestephaniemiller.com.
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