The Illinois Supreme Court today appointed Kent A. Delgado to a 6th Subcircuit vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Gloria Chevere.
The appointment is effective January 4, 2017 and terminates on December 3, 2018.
According to the ARDC, Delgado presently operates the Law Office of Kent A. Delgado. He has been licensed in Illinois since 1996.
Delgado was a candidate for a 6th Subcircuit vacancy in 2012, withdrawing shortly before the primary that year. He was an Assistant State's Attorney from 1996 to 2007 and subsequently a principal in the firm of Delgado and Tiernan, PC, handling criminal defense, probate, and immigration matters.
Opportunities for responsibly disposing Christmas trees and holiday light
The Three Kings have dropped off their gifts and are returning to their own
countries by a different route, just as they were warned to do in a dream.
It i...
1 month ago
We study History to both learn from our past mistakes and hopefully not repeat similar mistakes in the future. Another lighting quick appointment that takes everyone by surprise. Way too many out of work appointed judges forced to return to the practice of law after two or less years of glory. That cycle needs to end; however, the Supreme Court has again mistaken independence with arrogance.
Anon 1:21
Why should appointed judges who lose election be re-appointed? The voters chose someone over them. If the point is to bypass the electorate, then these out of work judges ought to go for associate judge. If they still can't garner enough support to become AJ, then maybe there is a problem that natural selection is trying to weed out. Plus I vaguely remember the supreme court took a position for about 35 minutes that it would no longer reappoint individuals.
Every political campaign includes an educational component. In the normal course of events, the candidates inform the voters as to who's who and what's what.
The most important thing the voters will be told as a part of that process in the 2018 election cycle, is that Kent Allen is not Hispanic. And that he doesn’t speak a lick of Spanish. They will be told that he inherited his Delgado last name from some ancient ancestor who once resided in some South American country.
They will also be told that Kent Alan has never, ever been a part of anything that has ever occurred in the Hispanic community. And why should he have been? It's okay that Kent Alan has never been involved in any of our activities. Because he is not Hispanic. He is not one of us. So on that score, we’re going to give him a pass. He’s never been around because he didn’t have to be. He’s not Hispanic.
So why, do you ask, did the Supreme Court reward him with a judgeship in the 6th sub-circuit? That's easy. Kent Alan was simply being rewarded for being a shill for Greg Ahern in 2012. Yes, the race where Beatriz Santiago beat the bejesus out of Ahern. Kent Alan’s last name was being used to try to dilute the Hispanic vote in favor of Ahern. A fact that the political operatives in the 6th will never forget. (Kent Alan was eventually ordered to drop out of that race when it became obvious that Claudio and Lugo were in the race to the end.) So, Kent Alan has been holding an IOU from the southwest side Irish in his back pocket for a long time. And it looks like it was paid in full this month.
Or was it? Does anybody really think he's going to get through 2018? And people please, do not suggest that because Anna Loftus won the primary in the 6th last March, that Kent Alan can do the same. There were a lot of behind-the-scenes dynamics that were in play in March of this year that will not be in play in 2018. You have no clue what transpired in that primary. Not a clue. And I, for one, am not about to tell you.
Anyway, stay tuned folks. This is really going to crank up starting in March of 2017. Election rules prohibit any kind of electioneering more than one year out in a judicial election. So start looking for those seatbelts after Valentine's Day. Because it's going to be a wild ride. I promise it.
As always, E. P.
i don't even know or understand what that previous comment meant? All I know is that Mr. Delgado has always been prepared, respectful and diligent in representing his clients that appear before my court. I believe he will make a find judge.
If, in fact, this was written by a sitting judge he/she should have spell checked. Loss of credibility.
All knowing Uncle Jack,
Riddle me this. Lopez Cepero vacancy open in the sixth since January with no appointment. Chevere vacancy never announced yet appointed made with two weeks of her retirement. Delgado interviewed for Lopez Cepero vacancy and didn't get it (read prior posts under different thread about a certain attorney getting a tie from Alderman Ed). DH has Burke and Berrios backing after he rented a place in the 6th to get the appointment...yet no appointment...
Uncle Jack, does this have to do with DH's storied personal and professional background that may give the Supremes pause after Bates-gate?
@Anon 10/7 10:09 a.m. -- who was in turn responding to Anon 10/6 11:02 p.m. -- Loss of credibility? Or use of a smart phone? Those little buttons lead to all sorts of problems....
I can remember when Blackberrys were all the rage. If I ever got an email from a big firm person (and some have been forced to communicate with me over the years on one matter or another) and if said email was chock full of misspellings, and it said "sent from my Blackberry," I knew it was the partner him- or herself who sent it. OTOH, if the email was 100% letter perfect, I was nearly 100% certain that s/he delegated the sending of the message to an assistant.
Diana Embil reappointed in 15.
Kent's father is from Peru, how is he "not Hispanic"?
@ E.P. - Not defending this, or any politically motivated Supreme Court appointment; but I do not think it matters that Delgado is not (according to you) Hispanic. During the last primary one white ran and was not challenged by a single Hispanic while another white handily defeated her slated Hispanic challenger. And, from what I know, in the late-opening third vacancy, the Hispanic candidate had to be pushed through because if she had a challenger she would have gone down in flames. Look around E.P. The rents in the east-side of the subcircuit are $3,500 a month, and Logan Square looks like Lincoln Park by day and Rush Street by night, with million-dollar town homes and developments and trendy restaurants everywhere. White boys are driving BMW's and white girls are walking expensive pedigreed dogs. This is not your father's subcircuit. Mr. Delgado, (Hispanic or not) will be just fine when it comes to election time. And shame on you E.P. for trying to rain on his parade.
@Anon 10/7 10:52 a.m. -- Amidst the gratuitous personal slams, which nearly got your comment flushed, you ask a reasonable question about the Lopez Cepero vacancy, and why that remains open, when the Chevere vacancy was so quickly filled. You are not the only one who believes both of these appointments to be within Justice Burke's purview.
That's a question worth asking, and I will ask it. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for an answer, because the Court is not obliged to, and typically does not, comment on particular appointments except when the Court chooses to announce the vacancy (as Justice Burke did with the Lopez Cepero vacancy) or when it announces that an appointment has been made (as with the appointment yesterday of Diana L. Embil in the 15th Subcircuit (about which I will post soon). If I can report further along these lines, I will.
I have talked to at least 20 Latino lawyers who have their offices in the 6th Subcircuit. They are all blown away by the qualifications of Ricardo Lugo and are shocked that he has not yet been appointed a judge. He is being discriminated against because he has a celebrity girlfriend.
OMG. Now that is funny on many different levels. A brilliant and complicated comment achieved in three sentences. Let me explain: Anon 4:05 did not really mean he spoke to 20 Latino lawyers with offices in the 6th. He spoke to 2 white lawyers who, through the years, may have represented a Latino client who lives in the 6th. I know the two guys myself. Those two lawyers are indeed blown away by Mr. Lugo's qualifications. But we are not talking about his qualifications for judge, which, according to his 2012 bar ratings, were not that good. They were talking about his "other" qualifications. (I can't go into to too much detail here because Jack will flush this comment into oblivion.) Now your last sentence: It is true that Lugo's girlfriend is a national media celebrity who also happens to be an attorney. But it is doubtful the Supreme Court even knows this; but it raises an interesting question: Would the Justices be so impressed with Lugo's rating of "highly qualified" by the "Star", rather than the "Alliance", move them to bestow an appointment? Probably not. After all, as impressive as his Star rating may be (to all of us) - it is no substitute for being a former law clerk of Chuck E. Cheese or Smoking Mary Jane. So Lugo needs to just keep A-Listing until 2018.
I am married to a Latina lawyer. When I accompany her to Mexican Bar Association events, all they talk about is Ricardo Lugo. I would be shocked if he is not the first Latino elected to the Illinois Supreme Court.
Also, my sources tell me that Judge Chevere is crestfallen that Ricardo Lugo was not appointed to her vacancy.
FYI: There currently is no Mexican Bar Association in Illinois or Chicago!! And, please focus on the candidates and their qualifications instead of their personal dating lives!! Tacky and beneath this blog!
Qualifications? A PD over 10 years ago and he hasn't tried a case since. He sat in an office for Dorothy Brown doing administrative work and now is unemployed.doubds about right.
That was sarcasm right?
Ricardo Lugo for the Supreme Court? I fear the comments are derived from very sheltered individuals that really know absolutely nothing about the practice of law ... Mr. Lugo may be a nice guy with an ok demeanor to become a judge someday ... but he is certainly no Supreme Court candidate ... (sorry not sorry).
According to people in the Clerk's office Lugo is as dumb as a box of rocks. He kept getting moved around until he was let go. He should never make it to the Circuit Court much less the Supreme Court.
Hello Anonymous on October 10th at 6:51 P.M.,
Chevere; crestfallen? Ha. Ha. Ha. I don't remember the last time I came across that word. Crestfallen. It sounds like a word from middle England. But I digress.
Word is Chevere loves nothing better than a good fight. She lives for those battles. Anybody that the supreme court appoints without the blessings of the powerbrokers in the 6th sub-circuit don't stand a chance. She hasn't lost one in the 6th sub-circuit yet. As to the two whites elected out of that sub-circuit in the March primary, she openly supported one of them, Cooke. As for Loftus, as I said earlier in these comments, there was a whole lot at play there. A whole lot of behind-the-scenes wheeling and dealing that I will not discuss here. Suffice it to say, Chevere was not a loser. I can't wait to see what she decides to do in those 2018 races now that she is retired and can do whatever she wants. Supreme court appointments mean nothing to her because she doesn't care about things she can't control. Anyway, enough about Chevere.
As much fun as it is to write about her, she is not the issue here. The real issue with the Kent Alan appointment was, and still remains, the total and complete contempt and disrespect that the supremes continue to exhibit towards the power players in the 6th. Readers, you better believe that in other sub circuits (read "white") the local leadership is not only consulted, they are even asked to make recommendations. But not in the minority sub-circuits. And then they expect the local leadership to support their appointees and get them elected even though they had no hand in their selection. The reason some of these appointees have to keep getting appointment, after appointment, after appointment is that the local leadership have decided to thumb their noses at those supreme court justices that have no respect for them. And by the way, when they run out of appointments, the supremes can, and have, worked the associate judge short list to have those losers made associate judge. The supremes are capable of anything to get their family and friends on the bench.
And please, don't suggest that politics and the judiciary should not mix. The supreme court justices are sitting where they are right now because they went around kissing lots and lots of political butts in order to get elected to those spots. If you believe otherwise, you are just naïve.
I think the 6th sub-circuit is the most interesting of all of the sub-circuits. It is indeed a very cosmopolitan district. A lot of players. A lot of wannabes. And a very diverse political spectrum. Everything the super-left to the bible-thumping right. But they have this in common; they all hate interlopers and out-siders. They are really dedicated to self-determination. Too bad the supreme court justices are totally and completely out of touch with this community.
I can't wait for 2018. It's going to be fun to watch.
As always, E. P.
Very nasty comment calling Lugo "as dumb as a box of rocks" and that is why he was let go from the Clerk's office. I know Lugo very well and he is not that dumb. Furthermore, I can not think of one instance where the Clerk's office terminated anyone for being as dumb as a box of rocks. In my humble opinion, I think that being as dumb as a box of rocks is a trait that the Clerk's office actually looks for in their hiring practices. Some have told me I am wrong on this point; that actually the Clerk's office is on the lookout for individuals who are as surly "as a box of snakes". Others have said the Clerk's office likes to hire those who are as lazy and two-faced as a box of Democratic Committeemen. In any event, reasonable minds can differ in these assessments, but one thing is certain - Lugo is not that dumb.
My sources tell me that Mary Kay Dawson has taken a job on the staff of newly appointed County Commissioner Ed Moody. She had to take it because she is shaking in her boots that now retired Judge Chevere will put her out of business. No one will want to run against a Chevere candidate for Countywide, so she's going to be in a position to deal - expect her to get 3 Hispanics on the countywide slate on 2018 in exchange for not running candidates against 13th & 14th Warders.
The Progressive Committeemen will be flexing their Manly Muscles in 2018 - There were 57,204 votes in the Loftus-Underhill-Claudio race. 42% of the vote came from the 32nd, 33rd, and 35th Wards, who have Independent Committeemen.
If Proco Moreno weren't such a Prickly Pear, him and the 3 Independents would control the 6th with 60% of the weighted vote. However, his clown behavior has made him and 35th Ward Committeemen Carlos Rosa bitter enemies.
And finally, I have one thing to say to the Supreme Court:
Interesting assessment. Too bad the 6th subcircuit power brokers back unqualified candidates or candidates that don't even live in the 6th subcircuit. Claudio, Cooke, Chevere, and Santiago to name a few
My sources tell me Ricardo Lugo lives under a lucky star in 12,500 square feet of luxury. His zip code is not 60618. It is Beverly Hill 90210.
Kent Delgado's father was a prominent cancer specialist who immigrated from Peru without a penny and did groundbreaking research while teaching and practicing at Georgetown University. The family has an amazing story and if I had to bet, Judge Delgado will approach his work on the bench with the same combination of intellectual rigor and empathy that his father brought to so many patients in the years I saw him working at Georgetown.
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