A committee has been formed to pursue the judicial candidacy of John Michael Lagattuta, an attorney with the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.
Lagattuta was in the news in 2006 when he represented the State in a hearing seeking to revoke the license of Chicago dentist Hicham Riba. Riba was accused of administering an overdose of anesthetic to a five year old patient, causing her death. An attorney since 1985, a LinkedIn profile available online indicates that Lagattuta may now be the Acting Chief Administrative Law Judge at Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.
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Lagattuta is an attorney with IDFPR, the regulatory arm of State government, prosecuting the state's licensee's. The positions he has held are are Chief of the Medical Prosecution Unit, served on the Complaint Committee of the Medical Disciplinary Board, Chief of Prosecution Unit, Deputy Director of Statewide Enforcement, and currently Acting Chief Administrative Law Judge.
Mr. Lagattuta's political war chest exceeds $25,000 and it appears a large amount has come from the very people he comes in contact through his State employment regulatory practice. Doctors, Dentist, Attornies, Individuals in the medical field.
A judge is to have some level of ethics, accepting money from what appears to be people you monitor and prosecute appears very unethical. Shame on you Mr. Lagattuta!
A political HACK for the special interests and democratic party ! ! ! !
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