Friday, February 12, 2021

Cook County Democratic Party presents "Road to the Robe" seminar on March 15

Yet another reason to beware the Ides of March? The 2022 judicial primary season gets officially underway on March 15, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., with this Zoom seminar from the Cook County Democratic Party. I've emailed Jacob Kaplan, the Executive Director of the Cook County Democratic Party, for a list of speakers, and I'll update this post if I get additional information.

Admission is free, but interested persons must register in advance at

You may also wish to check out the Party's Circuit Court Committee page -- you know, just to see if you have any acquaintances among them....

One other suggestion: Since this will be a Zoom seminar, it may be best to turn off your cat filter before joining the meeting....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is this the same Cook County Democratic Party that couldn't carry a white female Irish woman across the finish line. I mean black guys, sure, they are always sacrificial lambs just about every cycle. But when they can't carry across a "Maloney," then they aren't worth a cold fart in the wind. And Jacob Kaplan knows it.

Anonymous said...

Are there people still dumb enough to be fooled by this con game?

Anonymous said...

Toni will be running and she has little to no money in her campaign war chest. So all of you would-be countywide candidates better be prepared to fork over $50K for a whole lot of nothing. But they will get you petitions.

Anonymous said...

Burke formally indicted. Madigan under serious investigation. Preckwinkle lost every ward in the city, including her own, to the only person who makes Preckwinkle seem "warm and friendly." And Harmon raking in millions in campaign contributions from every conceivable lobby under the sun. The party doesn't care about judge candidates except to use them as ATM machines.

Anonymous said...

Experts in the field? That's not what this is. This is a means for con men to spot and target fools for fleecing. You want to run? Ok. Hire so and so to do this. And hire so and so to do that. You want to be slate? Sure. No problem. Just hire me to do this and that and then you can be slated and then pay more clowns with their hands out who will promise the world and deliver nothing. What a scam.

Little Orphan Annie

Anonymous said...

Wait wait, don't tell me. Experts like Frank Calabrese, Mary Kay Dawson, Gloria Chevere, Sean Tenner and the like.

Anonymous said...

Free? Hardly. It’s a fishing expedition for fresh marks.

Anonymous said...

Unlikely helpful but possibly entertaining.

Anonymous said...

The party is weak? Really. Tell that to Chris Stacey, Sheree Henry, Levander Smith and Laura Ayala-Gonzalez.

Anonymous said...

Most of the 2020 and 2018 slate won.

Anonymous said...

The party is weak. Try NOT telling that to Maloney-Laytin. No short list. No reappointment. At this rate, you would think she was a nobody nobody sent. Don't understand that one? Then read Royko.

Anonymous said...

Free? Nothing in life is FREE.

Anonymous said...

I encourage all of you to go to slating and only run if you are slated. "Or you can just run" is giving you very bad advice. If you are not slated, just wait your turn.

Sincerely, Toni P.