Friday, February 12, 2021

245 applicants for associate judge?

FWIW has been provided with a list containing 245 names of attorneys allegedly applying for Cook County associate judge vacancies. The deadline for applications for the current class was February 3, so it is unsurprising that a list would have been created by now.

The problem with the list, and the reason I'm slow-walking it at this point, is that the Chief Judge's Office has not released any list. I can not independently verify the list's authenticity.

When an application process closes, the Chief Judge's Office will publish a list of applicants, soliciting public comment. I've asked the Chief Judge's Office to verify the number of applicants on my unofficial list and to advise when the official list will be released. I'm awaiting an answer -- but, with the court holidays today and Monday, it may take awhile.

I am following this story, certainly, and I will provide updates when I can. Meanwhile, I can confirm at least one name that is not on the list -- my own.


Anonymous said...

Tim Evans won't share anything until he is ready to do so. Which is why Tim Evans needs to GO! Who wants to challenge the king in 2022? Here's a tip: don't nominate someone who is universally disliked by large swathes of the judges.

Anonymous said...

245? That's all. Seems a bit light.

Anonymous said...

Just 245? Your list can’t possibly be correct, Jack. Perhaps 445, but not 245.

Anonymous said...

More like 2,045.

Anonymous said...

Or you could just run.

Anonymous said...

What in-person hearings? Everything is Zoom continuances. They might as well shutter Traffic "Division" and First Municipal. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

Judge Evans will be challenged by Judge Demacopoulos. She is already building relationships and getting her supporters ready. She headed the retention election class, honored by the WBA, making rounds at the latest swearing in of circuit judges, and hosting CLE seminars.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Lorna Propes has a better chance.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure John Mahoney will vote for her.