Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Second City Cop is gone

I've been retweeting updates on this from @CWBChicago on this one. This is the latest, and presumably the last:

The CWBChicago blogpost about this is here. The statement issued by the SCC authors is on HeyJackass!, at least for the time being. An excerpt:

Over the weekend, we received information from a contact at Google that internal chat/e-mails led them to believe that certain precautions we had taken over the years had been breached by Google. We had gotten similar warnings from others in the past, and we dealt with or ignored them as the situation warranted. But this one was different.

You may dismiss the SCC authors as paranoid right-wingers -- but former New York Times editor and writer Bari Weiss wrote, just yesterday, of the "takeover and the unimaginable strength of the new powers that have superseded" the "old truths, the old political consensus, ...the old common identity." Borrowing from David Samuels, she dubs this new age the age of machines. She continues (emphasis in original):

Now those machines, operated by people none of us elected, have begun an open war against us.

It’s not that Trump was permanently banned from Twitter. I’d be happy to never hear that voice or see those CAPS again. It’s that Twitter can ban whoever it wants whenever it wants for whatever reason. It’s that all the real town squares have been shuttered and that the only one left is pixelated and controlled by a few oligarchs in Silicon Valley.

We were promised the Internet would be better than democracy. But then it got privatized. Corporations own it. There is no online bill of rights. There is only the frenzy of the mob and fickle choices of a few billionaires.

Look, friends, even Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose disdain for Donald Trump has been open and obvious right from the beginning, thought it "problematic" that Twitter had evicted Trump from its platform.

Even if one exists, however, the SCC authors may have misinterpreted how high they were on anyone's hit list. But they had reason enough to fear for their paychecks if their identities were revealed. Clearly, there will be no tears shed for SCC's demise at City Hall, in the Chief Judge's Office, or by the Sheriff or the State's Attorney or the County Board President.

If they were in danger of being 'outed', I hope they got out in time. SCC has provided a genuine public service over the years, bringing important news to light that otherwise would have remained unseen. They were not journailsts -- but, often, they did work that the newspapers and broadcast media should have done.

Of course, sometimes, SCC just spouted some truly crazy sh*t. They had a point of view. Well, so does Injustice Watch (although a very different point of view, to be sure). You had to read through the point of view, sometimes, to get to the useful information, but there was useful information there. Some mornings they may have made you mad. Some mornings they made me mad, too. And some of the comments were truly frightening. But I will miss SCC. I wish its authors well.


Anonymous said...

Long Live Injustice Watch!

B McMolo said...

Well said.

I am deeply disturbed by the normalization of censorship. Too many are too comfortable with alarming arguments in favor of deplatforming, canceling, etc.

Anonymous said...

Many commenters on SSC were chanting and advocating in favor of the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol. If that's what you call "cancel culture," then I have more bad news for you. There is an entire section of Title 18 of the United States Code that is devoted to canceling such behavior, which the United States government calls "sedition," "treason," and other "violent acts to overthrow or destabilize the government." Now we know why the bar associations are asking how people are coping with the pandemic, Jack.

Anonymous said...


Sedition: A great example: Speaker of the House Pelosi solicits the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and suggests that the military take the Congressional designated powers of a duly elected President away based on her opinion. That sir is Sedition. Impeaching a sitting and duly elected president on hearsay and opinion and no facts.

A 2nd fraudulent Impeachment with no testimony, proof or investigation on the person in the highest elected position who just garnered 70 to 80 million votes. A person charged of a crime, has a right to trial and be faced by his accusers, not some sham unconstitutional game show.

Anonymous said...

And now you know why I frequently ask Jack to stick to judicial elections and appointments. I can read the points and counter-points about Chump and "Bella Legosi Pelosi" on different news feeds.

Anonymous said...

Jack how many times do we need to repeat this? Stick to the judicial news and keep the Capitol P politics off this blog. Please and thank you.

Concerned said...

I remember 8+ months the chants & encouragement to large mobs to burn cities down and even msm & Pelosi protecting rioters that blocked both federal & city officers inside federal buildings & lighting said buildings on fire. PearlClutch much?

Tina Trent said...

Well, you have yours; nobody is censoring you and your peers, so who gives a crap about free speech, Jack? Win win for the leftists as they burn copies of 1984 and inhale the ashes. It’s morally disgusting.

Take your smug empathy and stick it where the sun, you know.