We've had a number of posts here on FWIW about bar groups hosting receptions for as many judges as they can coax into stopping by -- it's the promised presence of judges that sells tickets to these affairs, and brings out the deep-pocketed sponsors.
Judicial wannabes in particular -- like so many FWIW readers -- will fork over hard-earned dough for the opportunity to chit chat with judges who may some day, somehow help them ascend to the bench, or even vote for them, should they ever make the associate judge short list. As was said so often in Angels in the Outfield, it could happen. There's nothing wrong with any of this -- it's called networking -- and it's something people often have to do in order to get ahead in the world.
But scouring the web this morning for items of potential interest, I came across an announcement of a reception for just one judge, and a newly-elected one at that: The South Asian Bar Association of Chicago, the Asian American Bar Association of Greater Chicago, and the Filipino American Lawyers Association of Chicago are jointly hosting a reception in honor of Judge Aileen Bhandari, on Wednesday, March 1, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the Illinois State Bar Association's Chicago office, 20 S. Clark St., Suite 900.
Judge Bhandari, who was elected to an 11th Subcircuit vacancy just last year, is a former President of SABA Chicago. (And, I suppose, given the current short list excitement, it may also be germane to note that Bhandari was a short list finalist in 2019.) But, at this stage of her judicial career, and I don't say this to be unkind, Bhandari can't do a whole heck of a lot for the sponsoring groups or their members -- so the commercial element that may, at least in part, animate other receptions is probably absent here. These groups are simply celebrating a colleague's achievement. Which seems kind of nice.
Members of the sponsoring bar groups and sitting judges will be admitted free, gratis, and for nothing. Non-members can purchase tickets for $25 apiece. Registration can be accomplished by clicking on this page of the SABA Chicago website.
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