Oh, dear. I suppose, looking at it now, that is something of a 'clickbait' headline, isn't it? Especially for a lot of FWIW readers.
However -- since you've read this far anyway -- perhaps you will continue....
The American Association of Justice Law Student Committee is seeking lawyers and judges to volunteer as judges or jurors for the 2023 AAJ Student Trial Competition.
The competition will feature 650 students competing on 160 teams across 10 regions. The Chicago area is in the Midwest 2 Region. All regional rounds will held via Zoom from March 2 through March 5. Some 1400 judges and attorney jurors will be needed.
Participating Illinois attorneys will be eligible for CLE credit. AAJ will not be providing CLE credit but will provide a certificate of attendance for those who attend its judges' training sessions and a free voluntary webinar on implicit bias.
Persons interested in being one of these should click here.
For any questions about volunteering for this competition, email navarrok@uic.edu, jennifer.rafter@justice.org, or dloverde@powerrogers.com.
A belated Happy Rockyversary to Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose
Charlie Meyerson's Chicago Public Square had this yesterday, but it's not
the first time I've been a day late... or, for that matter, a dollar short.
4 weeks ago
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