Thursday, November 25, 2021

Some last minute advice for those dreading the Holiday get together

Dr. Fauci says it's OK for families to gather at someone's home for Thanksgiving. Actually, he said it's OK if all eligible persons are fully vaxxed and boostered (there's a new verb for you) and maybe if there's a window open (well, the oven's on, isn't it, so that's not too much a stretch) and if no one inhales too deeply. Something like that.

But we're Americans -- we're vague on details -- so once Dr. Fauci said OK all hesistation was thrown to the winds and, across this great land of ours, vast hordes of relatives, some of whom have had no contact with one another for 20 months, have begun converging. Vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.

And you, Dear Reader, are panicking: We are told that Thanksgiving dinners are supposed to be like this --

-- but we all know that the actual events can go from awkward to angry in a heartbeat. Especially if dinner is delayed past halftime of the Dallas game. In vino veritas? Well, sometimes, too much vino can unleash some unfortunate pent-up sentiments.

And that was before Covid.

In My Fair Lady Professor Higgins advises Eliza Doolittle (going to her first Ascot races) to stick to two subjects, the weather and everybody's health.

But even that list is too long for 2021. Someone will inquire about another's health... and the subject of masks and vaccinations will invariably surface... and the conversation may veer from awkward to angry to explosive. Frozen turkey in the deep fryer explosive. COVID!

Maybe sports can be substituted as a safe conversation topic.

The Beloved Bears are playing Detroit in a little while. And, in Chicago, at least, there is a common affection, among the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, for the Beloved. Unless your family has one of those Packer fans. Many do. Some from contrariness. Some because the Bears basically sucked when they were growing up.

The Packers aren't playing today -- it's true -- but someone may mention Aaron Rodgers -- who had COVID! And maybe has Covid toe.

And, all of a sudden, we're back in the deep fryer.

At this moment, you're feeling nostalgic for the days when it was only politics that marred holiday gatherings. Or for the aunt who insisted on tousling your hair and pinching your cheeks when you were over 30.

But it's OK. These awkward holiday dinners are a great opportunity for you and yours to remember that what you share with your family is more important than any of these unimportant things that divide us. And make gatherings awkward sometimes. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Just don't talk about COVID!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. May you have survived the holiday without injury, illness, or arrests.

And so far as not mentioning Covid as a topic of huge controversy, look up the Fawlty Towers episode where Basil (John Cleese) keeps mentioning WWII and acting out (due to a concussion) the German visitors of his hotel!