Saturday, November 13, 2021

And how are you celebrating World Kindness Day?

I would have missed this entirely but for a reader who kindly tipped me off that today, November 13, is World Kindness Day.

You know World Kindness Day is a real thing, because it has its own Wikipedia page (linked above) and because CNN has a story about it.

I hope it becomes an even bigger thing because, well, the world (and all of us in it) could use a lot more kindness. However you celebrate, celebrate responsibly.


A reader said...

Jack, it was very kind of your reader to pass on this information to you, and very kind of you to share World Kindness Day with the rest of us. I, for one, will pass it on.

Anonymous said...

By trash-talking all of the worthless elected judges in Cook County who haven't attempted to return to work since being fully vaccinated. The rest of the Illinois judiciary has returned to the courts on a full-time basis, but not Cook County. I will KINDLY show some of them the door in 2022. #voteno2022!