Sunday, October 25, 2020

FWIW tops three million page views

Blogger says it took 941 days to get from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 page views here on FWIW.

It took another 951 days to get from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000. When I started this post, I had 3,002,783 page views. Here's the screenshot from my blog dashboard:

That seems like a milestone worth mentioning. So I'm mentioning. Thank you for stopping by.


Tom Davy said...

Congrats. Always enjoy reading your posts, and some of the commenters, good on you for posting people who dare you to post them. Although with some of the comments I'm thinking I'm glad I'm no longer involved in the business. The only suggestion I would have is to follow Capitol Fax and have people post under some name. Can't tell if there are a lot of folks named Anonymous or if Anonymous just has numerous split personalities. (Asking for a friend, whatever happened to ALL CAPS - or is that like saying Beetlejuice three times?)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the cyber milestone, Jack.

Anonymous said...

If you want to keep boosting your numbers, maybe a piece about how childish Dorothy Brown and Tim Evans are being about the new computer system? Brown takes 8 years to institute an expensive system and Evans issues an order stopping her implementing it because even her staff doesn’t know how to use it. Soon to be indicted Dorothy responds by refusing to have her staff enter any orders. Just wait for the lawsuit... again. Who suffers? Litigants and taxpayers!

Anonymous said...

What? No news about the vicious dog fights in the contested 12th Subcircuit race? I don't even live in 12 and am getting the crazy texts about endorsements and non-endorsements. The intrigue.