Very late.
On the morning of December 3, you know, after the close of the period from November 22 through December 2 when late-breaking vacancies are to be posted for the Special Judicial Filing Period that starts December 16, I went to the Illinois Board of Election website and looked at, and linked to, the very short list of late judicial vacancies -- both far, far Downstate.
Due diligence, I thought.
But... lookie here, ladies and gents, the ISBE now advises of a third vacancy in my home (10th) subcircuit.
My thanks to an aggrieved, anonymous commenter who complained that s/he saw petitions being circulated at Union Station on December 3 for a vacancy that did not go up on the ISBE website until December 4.
This looks bad. It makes all of us who are engaged in the process, as candidates or even as observers, look bad.
And whoever tried to steal a march on this super-duper late-breaking entry has just handed a gift-wrapped campaign issue to any challengers.
Opportunities for responsibly disposing Christmas trees and holiday light
The Three Kings have dropped off their gifts and are returning to their own
countries by a different route, just as they were warned to do in a dream.
It i...
1 month ago
at some point, the name of the candidate who was circulating when others did not know of the vacancy will come up. that will be interesting for others to ponder.
Be careful Anon 12/5/19 @10:35, very careful. It APPEARS that you MIGHT be insinuating something improper. Not saying that you are. But if you (or someone else) is, better be prepared to actually prove it. And proof is not "well, Ray-Ray and Pookie told me."
Rogue One
I'm ready to donate to your campaign for the late-breaking 10th subcircuit vacancy, Judge Leyhane III.
Dear Rogue One: did you read the commentary? I'm wondering based on that. but thanks for playing.
AJ winners are getting their phone calls, Jack. I won.
I read the entirety of this comment. My point is simple: commenters on this post make up stuff every day. Does anonymous have a cellphone photo? Was anonymous passing his or her own sheets when allegedly seeing this other alleged miscreant?
Rogue One
YOU really should run for that spot in the 10th LeHayne
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