Michael Perry Gerber, an Assistant State's Attorney based in Rolling Meadows, was appointed yesterday to the Lawrence vacancy in the far northwest suburban 13th Subcircuit by the Illinois Supreme Court. According to ARDC, Gerber has been licensed as an attorney in Illinois since 1980.
Gerber's appointment is effective tomorrow, December 22, and expires on December 3, 2018. The Supreme Court presumably made this appointment on the recommendation of Justice Anne Burke. The Court never actually says---and trades do happen, from what I've been told---but this vacancy was announced by Justice Burke in October.
Meanwhile, on Monday, Justice Burke announced a new vacancy in the south suburban 2nd Subcircuit, this one created by the retirement of Judge James L. Rhodes (the link is to the press release).
Notice of the vacancy and details of the application process are posted on the Illinois Supreme Court's website at www.illinoiscourts.gov. From there, follow the instructions on the "Latest News" scroller announcing the Second Judicial Subcircuit of Cook County vacancy.
Applications for this vacancy will be screened by a special judicial screening committee chaired by retired Supreme Court Chief Justice Benjamin K. Miller. Justice Burke established this screening committee in 2006.
The deadline for applications is 4:00 p.m. on January 18, 2017. Completed applications should be submitted by mail to Kevin Forde c/o. Forde Law Office, 111 West Washington Street, Suite 1100, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Monday's press release specifies that, to be eligible for consideration, an applicant for this vacancy must be a resident of the 13th Subcircuit (the far northwestern corner of the county)
Opportunities for responsibly disposing Christmas trees and holiday light
The Three Kings have dropped off their gifts and are returning to their own
countries by a different route, just as they were warned to do in a dream.
It i...
1 month ago
Congrats to Mike. Hard-working ASA, good decent guy and great sense of humor. He will make fun of himself before he makes fun of anyone else, so he will never suffer from robeitis. Hope he can win in 2018, but he will be a credit to the bench for however long he serves.
For those applying for the vacancy in the 2nd subcircuit, unless you've already been told this is your spot, you have a better chance of winning the Publishers' Clearinghouse Sweepstakes.
Anne Burke selecting someone for a vacancy in the Second Subcircuit is hardly big news. The big news will be whether they can actually find a lawyer who legitimately lives in the Second BEFORE Burke actually selects him or her for the spot. Unlikely it will be a lawyer who lives inside Chicago, unless Howard Brookins has finally decided that he would rather be a judge. Mr. Ed will have to call Frank Z and Carrie to see what they have to say, but should probably call Howard first.
Without further adieu, here is the latest vacancy roundup:
Prendergrast Rooney -- appointee, Elizabeth KARKULA (gotta love that last name)
Michelle Jordan -- appointee, Clare QUISH (gotta love that last name redux)
Eileen Brewer -- appointee, Litricia PAYNE (f/k/a Will County APD, but hey, it worked for Cobbs so why not, said Chuck)
Sheila McGinnis -- vacant (9 months and counting -- what's Justice Burke waiting for? Waiting to see what happens in 3, 4, 7 and 11 before making another countywide appointment)
1st -- Rhonda Crawford Vacancy (yes, there will be one) - Vacant
2nd -- Bertina Lampkin Vacancy -- appointee, Fred BATES
2nd -- James Rhodes -- Vacant
2nd -- Marjorie Laws -- Vacant
2nd -- Valerie Turner (yes, there will be one) -- Vacant
2nd -- John Turner (yes, there will be one) -- Vacant
2nd -- Camile Willis -- Vacant
Let's pause and state the obvious: that noise you hear is the rush of moving vans into the 2nd subcircuit. Howard Brookins has some lovely rental property in the 21st Ward, but watch out for those dangerous squirrels.
3rd -- Maureen Delehanty -- appointee, Patrick STANTON (Theis appointee who has no support from Madigan or Burke, a/k/a seat-holder or KC bait)
4th -- James Riley -- appointee, John O'MEARA (now THAT'S a name)
6th -- Gloria Chevere -- appointee, Kent DELGADO (Latino enough for the Yuppies in the 6th, no matter what EP thinks. Hell, EP doesn't even live in the 6th sub anymore so who cares what she has to say)
6th -- Lopez Cepero -- VACANT (come on Mr. Ed -- how about DH? EP and Arroyo got no game!)
8th -- Candace Fabri -- Appointee, Robin SHOFFNER (a/k/a campaign finance laws? what campaign finance laws?)
8th -- Laura Liu -- Appointee, Michael FORTI
8th -- Sheryl Pethers -- Appointee, Myron MACKOFF
10th -- Eileen O'Neill Burke -- Appointee, Stephanie SALTOUROS
10th -- Donald Suriano -- Appointee, Gerald CLEARY
11th -- Kathleen Kennedy -- VACANT (odds are on JR or, possibly, Don Harmon's favorite pet lawyer, but she has a messy history with another aspiring judicial candidate from the same subcircuit which might make visitation days awkward. Then again, Harmon can't carry his candidates anymore, so who cares?)
13th -- Appointee Michael GERBER
15th -- Appointee, Diana EMBIL
Remember, 1000 good signatures to run in the subcircuits and the official signature requirement for countywide will be posted on the ISBE website in April/May 2017, shortly after the municipal elections.
Good luck everybody!!!!!
Anon 3:01
Anon 7:59 has no clue. The Second Subcircuit has a sad recent history of being unable to fill vacancies by Supreme Court appointment because, per capita, it has very few qualified lawyers who will pass the straight face test. There will likely be as many as six vacancies in the Second Subcircuit, but few top choice candidates worthy of appointment.
Perhaps Burke inherited this one because she was more willing to be "flexible" on the residency requirement. Or perhaps Freeman was just got tired of the Chicago lawyers who have burned him on the residency issue. Nevertheless, when those vacancies come (and they will come), don't be surprised if most sit vacant until after the 2018 election.
Merry Christmas to you Jack. The all black Petty Jesus Association (PJA) met to discuss petty business and one agenda item was that this is a wonderful and fun blog. FWIW is the gift that keeps on giving. We, the members of the PJA also recognize and unanimously voted (because we don't want Russians, nukes and that squirrel head orange Cheeto invading our space) that the Real Jesus is the reason for the season. We pray for you Jack, in our own petty way that all your traffic lights are green. Peace in the black community. Black Lady Who Reads (and PJ too).
this is so interesting that Justice Burke has an independent screening committee like Justice Theis. Not really since all applications for Burke's open 2nd district spot are mailed to Atty Kevin Forde, isn't that the same atty that just represented Mayor Rahm Emmanuel against the BGA and the Tribune to conceal the Mayor's emails? That really is an independent screening committee. .
Has anyone actually checked the boundaries of the 2nd Judicial Subcircuit? Are you really suggesting that from the south side of Chicago through the south suburbs, there aren't at least 6 QUALIFIED attorneys worthy of being judges. Please people get a clue and step outside of this bubble that you apparently live. For those of you who don't know, those attorneys who practice and live in the 2nd Subcircuit passed the same bar you passed. The fact that they chose to live on the south side of Chicago or the south suburbs says absolutely NOTHING about their qualifications. The notion that somehow this area is laced with unworthy choices for appointment is absurd and was most likely made by someone who hasn't driven past Hyde Park. There are qualified attorneys in the 2nd Subcircuit. So, unless you are God, please don't assume that you know where every attorney who practices LIVES.
The elephant in the room.
Stephanie Miller is to be appointed to the Lopez Cepero vacancy in the 6th subcircuit to the ire of EP, Arroyo and others who were hoping to get D.H. or C.B. appointed to that vacancy.
Hard sell for a D.H. appointment when he didn't have the Bar ratings. S.M. and C.B. are both definitely qualified.
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