Friday, March 14, 2025

HLAI Charities Casino Night set for April 11

HLAI Charities, the charitable arm of the Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois will hold its first Casino Night on Friday, April 11, from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., at the Hubbard Inn, 110 W. Hubbard. As you will note from the accompanying poster, the dress code is "Dress to Impress - 007 Style." Is that how the kids these days say "Black Tie"?

Tickets for the event are $100 each ($75 for HLAI members, $50 for law students). Tickets (and sponsorship opportunities, from $500 to $1,500) are available at this page of the HLAI website. (N.B.: I make no warranties -- but I strongly suspect that the sponsors will welcome you to the event even if you don't own a tuxedo or rent one for the occasion.)

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