Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Supreme Court issues updated order on judicial resignations

Yesterday, the Illinois Supreme Court issued an Order modifying the procedure that judges must follow when resigning from judicial office. That's a link to the Order in the preceding sentence; here is an image:

The changes do not appear particularly substantive, at least to my untrained eye. A requirement has been added that the resigning judge specify the date and time when the resignation will be effective. And, while copies were always required to be sent in various directions, yesterday's Order now specifies that the resignation letter must state that the required copies were sent.

But now, judicial wannabes, you see what a full-service site this is: Not only can you use FWIW to help get on the bench, you can also use this site to help you off the bench as well.

For sitting judges, may I add this suggestion for the distribution list of your resignation letter, whenever that time may come? Send a copy my way, too.

Why? Well, as of this morning, for what it's worth, the "Judicial Vacancies" page on the new Supreme Court website is still blank.

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