This post is specifically directed at the current crop of Cook County judicial candidates and their campaign advisers.
Getting one’s message out to voters in a county as large as this one is a herculean challenge. Subcircuits may look a lot smaller on the map, but each covers a lot of ground, as those of you who’ve been walking door-to-door (weather permitting) will attest. The enormity of the task before you has become clear, whatever support you are already privileged to have. Each of you has a day job to keep up with – and, in your spare time, you’re still seeking endorsements, filling out questionnaires, and showing up at any event that will have you. You’ve undoubtedly noticed, at these events, that judicial candidates spend a lot of time seeing... each other. You may be getting around, but you’re not always around likely potential voters; at least you're not always around likely voters you haven’t already met.
I’d like to give you an opportunity to get your message directly to potential voters.
Google says that this website has been viewed nearly 2.7 million times to date; while a lot of those page views come from candidates and their friends and families, as the primary draws ever nearer, this site will be seen by increasing numbers of likely voters.
What would you like to tell them?
I will print any statement that any Cook County judicial candidate cares to make right here on For What It’s Worth. This is the seventh election cycle in which I’ve extended this invitation. I will print what I get (subject to a couple of ground rules set out below), whether I get five statements or 55. When I put up the Organizing the Data posts shortly before the primary, I will link back to any statements I’ve received, providing voters an additional chance to receive your message directly.
I make this offer because, when I ran for judge in 1994 and 1996, I would have given my right arm to have had such a forum.
Things were different, of course, back then: The Internet was still a largely undiscovered country. I think I was just learning how to use email in those days. But, today, you have the opportunity to reach nearly every single voter in Cook County without leaving your den. You can of course speak to voters directly on your own sites as well, but I am offering you an additional platform, an additional opportunity for voters to find out about you when they start searching the Internet for information about our upcoming judicial elections.
Candidates need only send me an email (that's a link to my email address; there's also a link you can find in the sidebar of this blog) with their essay.
You may be wondering what you should say. I don’t know that there is any “right” answer. You can send me a statement of personal philosophy, the stump speech you’ve always wanted to make, the pitch you’d like to make at every voter’s front door, your ‘closing argument’ to the electorate, or whatever else you think appropriate.
I’m not going to tell anyone what to say or how to say it.
However, I would suggest, as my mother used to say, that you don’t make your own candle shine brighter by trying to blow out someone else’s. Tell voters why you should be elected, not why your opponent should not be.
I strongly suggest that you put your statement in the first person (be personal, use “I” and “me”) because I will run your statement as your statement, under your byline, by Sally Smith, by John Jones. I know some of you are paying consultants to help you craft your message and there may be a temptation to simply delegate this task. Resist that temptation. Get feedback from your advisers before you send me anything (especially if you're paying for it anyway), but let your voice come through in your essay. I know writing such an essay won’t be an easy task: As lawyers, we’re used to advocating for a client -- for someone else. It’s not as easy to talk about ourselves. But this is an opportunity for you to define yourself, rather than be defined by questionnaire responses.
If I don’t already have your picture, send me a head shot. I’ll run your picture with the post. I will not edit candidate statements. I’ll print what you send. (That’s why I need an email, to verify what was sent, and by whom.) To see what other candidate statements have looked like, click on the "In Their Own Words" tag here or at the bottom of this post and start scrolling down. I will only put up one statement per candidate.
I realize some of you already have personal statements posted on your own campaign websites. If you ask me to run a substantially similar statement here, or even the same statement, I will do so. But I will not pull statements from your site on my own. If you want me to put your statement here, you have to send me the statement.
I will begin accepting, and posting, candidate essays immediately. Because I will link to them from the Organizing the Data posts, there’s no advantage to delay. And if you do try and wait until the last minute, when I am working on those roundup posts, I may be unable to get your essay posted. To be on the safe side, if you’re interested, please get me your statement within the next 30 days.
I do not intend to impose any limit on the statement’s length; presumably you won’t want to compose anything overwhelmingly long. For illustration purposes, my word processor advises me that this post is about 1,000 words long.
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