Saturday, July 30, 2011

Chicago Bar Association begins screening 2012 judicial hopefuls

The Judicial Evaluation Committee of the Chicago Bar Association is beginning the process of screening Cook County judicial candidates for the 2012 primary.

The CBA is inviting the following persons to submit questionnaires:
  • Any associate judge seeking a full circuit or resident circuit judicial position who has not been screened for a full circuit judicial position within the last two years;
  • Any lawyer seeking a full circuit or resident circuit position who has not been screened within the last two years; (Note: If such a candidate has been screened for associate judge within the last two years and been found “Not Recommended,” the candidate is not eligible for reevaluation at this time);
  • Any lawyer or Circuit Court judge seeking an Appellate Court position who has not been screened for that position within the last two years.
  • Any lawyer or judge seeking a Supreme Court position who has not been screened for that position within the last two years.
The JEC’s Circuit Court Questionnaire may be obtained at The Chicago Bar Association, 321 South Plymouth Court, or online at

The CBA JEC will be concentrating its efforts on candidates who plan to appear before a party slating committee at this time. These persons should call the CBA's Therese Kurth to find out when their questionnaires are due.

Persons who are not be planning to present their credentials to a party screening committee may also want to obtain the CBA questionnaire. Because completing the questionnaire requires a significant time commitment, it is never too early for candidate hopefuls to download and start the process.

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