Monday, November 25, 2013

Four file for Gordon vacancy on the Appellate Court

FWIW readers already know that Justice Shelly A. Harris would be filing to keep his seat on the Appellate Court and that the Cook County Democratic Party had bypassed him in favor of Judge (and former 6th Ward Alderman) Freddrenna M. Lyle.

But two additional candidates filed for this vacancy when the doors opened this morning at the ISBE, Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan (elected to the Circuit Court in 2010) and Assistant State's Attorney Nichole C. Patton. Patton ran for the Circuit Court countywide in 2012 and from the 15th Subcircuit in 2010. As of this morning, her campaign website indicated an apparent intent to try again for the Circuit Court, and that was how I reported Patton's probable candidacy in August. At this point, it appears there may have been a change in plans.

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