Monday, November 25, 2013

Three file for Preston vacancy in the 9th Subcircuit

Michael Strom filing his petitions
I took the liberty of grabbing this Facebook photo of 9th Subcircuit candidate Michael A. Strom filing his nominating petitions this morning in Springfield.

Judge Michael Francis Otto also filed for this vacancy this morning, as did Abbey Fishman Romanek.

Newly appointed Judge Jerry A. Esrig is the only candidate so far posted by the ISBE for the 9th Subcircuit Goldberg vacancy; Anjana Hansen is the only candidate so far posted for the 9th Subcircuit Meyer vacancy.

Keep in mind, however, that the Illinois State Board of Elections is confronted this morning with an avalanche of paper; the ISBE website is being regularly updated, but it takes time to process the papers of all of those who were outside in the cold waiting this morning for the doors to open.

Also, keep in mind that today is only the first day of filing. Someone who is not yet ready to file, or who wants to be the last name on the list (rather than risk winding up in the middle of the pack after a crowded first line ballot drawing) may yet turn up in any race. You can bet heavily on there being more than five candidates filing for judge in the 9th Subcircuit.

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