Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Ketki "Kay" Steffen plans countywide judicial run

Former Judge Ketki "Kay" Steffen is looking to return to the bench, making a bid for a vacancy in the far Northwest Suburban 13th Judicial Subcircuit. That's a link to Steffen's campaign website in the preceding sentence; a link has also been added to the blog Sidebar.

Steffen was appointed to a 13th Subcircuit vacancy in early 2010, but lost her bid to retain her position in the 2012 primary. Since her judicial appointment expired, Steffen has been working for Steffen Law, P.C., in Elgin. Prior to her appointment, Steffen was a Cook County Assistant State's Attorney; she was a finalist for Associate Judge in 2009.

Updated 8/7/13 per discussion with the candidate. Although the linked website may still contain references to the 2012 13th Subcircuit bid, Steffen told FWIW she is planning a countywide race.

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