Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Anthony C. Kyriakopoulos campaign website found

Found online: A 2014 campaign website has been set up for Judge Anthony C. Kyriakopoulos. That's a link to the site in the preceding sentence; a link has been added to the blog Sidebar as well.

Judge Kyriakopoulos has served on the bench since early 2010 when the Supreme Court appointed him to a 10th Subcircuit vacancy. After then-Ald. Thomas R. Allen filed for that same vacancy, Judge Kyriakopoulos withdrew (leaving Allen unopposed). In August of last year, before his original appointment expired, the Illinois Supreme Court appointed Judge Kyriakopoulos to a new 10th Subcircuit vacancy, the Sullivan vacancy. On his campaign website, Kyriakopoulos asks voters' support "to elect me to the position for which I was appointed."

Kyriakopoulos has been licensed in Illinois since 1990. Before his appointment to the bench, Kyriakopoulos served as an Assistant State's Attorney in Cook County.

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