Saturday, August 24, 2013

John Curry to seek Republican nomination in 13th judicial subcircuit

Attorney John Curry has announced plans to run in the Republican primary for the vacancy in the 13th Judicial Subcircuit. That's a link to his campaign website in the preceding sentence; a link has been added to the blog Sidebar as well.

Currently a shareholder in the litigation department of the Chicago office of the Polsinelli firm, Curry has previously employed by the United States Department of Justice and as an Assistant Illinois Attorney General. Curry has been licensed to practice law in Illinois since 1978.

According to his campaign bio, Curry has been "have been supporters of the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the Art Institute of Chicago, Wounded Heroes Foundation, the Midtown Educational Foundation, the American Ireland Fund, Old St. Patrick's Church, MS Chicago, and numerous other charitable and philanthropic organizations." He and his wife, Jamie, are members of St. Ann's Catholic Church in Barrington.

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