Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Caroline Kate Moreland campaign website found

A campaign website has been established for Judge Caroline Kate Moreland, recently slated as the Cook County Democratic Party's candidate for the countywide Howse vacancy, the seat she now occupies pursuant to Supreme Court appointment. That's a link to Judge Moreland's campaign website in the preceding sentence; a link has also been added to the blog Sidebar.

Judge Moreland was first appointed to the bench in 2010, filling a vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Victoria Stewart. After the Democratic Party slated Judge Pamela M. Leeming for this vacancy, Judge Moreland filed for a different vacancy in the March 2012 primary. She later withdrew from that race. Judge Moreland was subsequently appointed to the Howse vacancy when her prior appointment expired.

1 comment:

  1. Where judges are elected, I can appreciate the supreme court appointing judges to fill vacancies, but when a person fails to get elected to the bench two or three times, that person has been rejected by the electorate. Is it fair to re-appoint them to the bench just because their father is rich and powerful?


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