Friday, February 21, 2025

Go jump in the lake... for a good cause

The Diversity Scholarship Foundation will participate in the 25th Annual Polar Plunge in support of the Special Olympics on March 2, 2025. That means that DSF members are looking to recruit people... you, perhaps... to jump into Lake Michigan on the first Sunday in March.

The Weather Channel currently predicts that the high temperature in Chicago will reach 30 degrees on March 2 (I looked it up). The normal high for March 2, according to the National Weather Service is 41 degrees. It's not good beach weather either way.

But it is for a good cause: All of the proceeds raised through through the DSF team page will go directly to the Special Olympics. The DSF will have a tent for attendees, with food donated by the World-Famous Billy Goat Tavern, and refreshments.

The DSF is asking individuals who are actually going to plunge to donate a minimum of $200. (If this is out of reach, DSF says any amount will be welcome). The DSF is inviting everyone to participate — no need to be a bar president or even an attorney — and persons are welcome to attend without plunging.

Or, of course, you could just make a donation by clicking on the DSF team page from the comfort and privacy (and warmth) of your home or office and not risk pneumonia. But you would thereby forego a potentially helpful, if frigid, networking opportunity. The choice is yours....

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