Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Matthew Taylor judicial campaign launches Facebook campaign page

Matt Taylor is the Republican nominee for the Schleifer vacancy in the 12th Subcircuit; he was unopposed in the March Republican primary.

Licensed to practice law in Illinois since 2004, according to ARDC, Taylor's LinkedIn page notes that he became a lawyer after first serving as a police officer (from 1994). He currently practices as M. J. Taylor Law, LLC, with an office in Palatine.

Taylor's campaign now has a campaign Facebook page. FWIW has been so far unable to find a campaign website; however, when and if FWIW learns of one, a link will be posted on this site's Sidebar.

Taylor's opponent in November, who was unopposed in the Democratic Primary, is James "Jack" Costello. There are three contested races in the 12th Subcircuit. There are only four contested judicial races in all of Cook County; the only other judicial contest on the November ballot is in the new 18th Subcircuit. All other Cook County judicial races are uncontested in the forthcoming general election.

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