Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Moving on... and some housekeeping announcements

If you've been visiting regularly these past several days (and, if you have, thank you) you must have noticed that I think there's a significant flaw in the language of the newly-passed Judicial Circuits Districting Act of 2022, a flaw which jeopardizes the candidacies of those slated by the Cook County Democratic Party for the nine countywide judicial vacancies (as well as the candidacies of anyone else interested in those vacancies).

I Tweeted about it, and got this response from Maya Dukmasova of Injustice Watch:

(If you're interested, here's a link to Dukmasova's story on the Judicial Circuits Districting Act of 2022, published this morning.)

Anyway, bottom line is that "insiders" are telling Dukmasova that the flaws in the new law will be fixed, presumably to allow the Cook County Democratic Party's nine slated candidates and any lucky alternates for whom a vacancy might open between now and March 14 to run countywide as planned.

Nobody's told me anything like that, by the way, but I will subside. Stand down. Move on.

(You know, the Illinois Democratic Party has had access to some real top-drawer legal talent over the years. Maybe now they'll consult with some of them. But, again, I've moved on. If I get wind of any amendment, I'll advise.)

Those of you reading on your phones will not have noticed this, but I have put up the Circuit Court Candidate list in the Sidebar of my main page. The list is shorter than I thought it would be, but, even though some names will drop off this list soon, the list itself will get longer, and quickly now, too, inasmuch as tomorrow is the first day candidate petitions can circulate. Here is the list so far:

I may also put up a separate list of Appellate Court candidates -- but not today.

Whilst fiddling with the Sidebar on this site, I did try and insert a widget with my Twitter feed embedded. All the cool sites have this. But, at least so far, mine has only partially succeeded. If you click on the link you will get to my Twitter feed -- but, at least on my equipment, it's not showing up in the Sidebar itself. I'll continue to work on this.

And one more thing... while I've chided the Supreme Court (in a very civil manner, I hope) about the manner in which judicial vacancies are posted on the Circuit Courts Vacancies page of the Court's website, it appears to be very much up to date, mainly because it corresponds down the line with the 2022 Judicial Vacancies report on the Illinois State Board of Elections website (.pdf document).

Before the Supreme Court updated its website last year, the ISBE vacancies page (which only appeared shortly before any given election) was the only authoritative list of vacancies around. (Unless one was one of those "insiders," of course.) For those non-insiders looking for late-breaking vacancies, the ISBE page is a vital resource.


  1. If by "insiders" Dukmasova meant "the imaginary voices in her head," then yeah, sure, she has some "inside" information. If any legislator or politico is telling her anything, then it is only the manure that they want the media to peddle to promote some clandestine agenda that this "journalist" won't see until 2 years after it hits. Injustice Watch is too busy trying to do hit jobs on the judiciary and other elected officials to build anything close to reliable inside sources. That itself is ironic because there are plenty of judges (or other political "insiders") who are so pissed off about how the Cook County Courts have responded to the pandemic in the last 2 years, that she should have more informants than the former KGB or former CPD. (The current CPD just ain't what it used to be informant wise). But good luck, Maya! Even a blind squirrel can eventually find a nut. Perhaps you will too.

    /s/ All The President's Men

  2. She is merely parroting what Don Harmon said almost immediately after the bill's passage. Hardly an "insider account," when they are announcing this at a presser. The media in this town is as lazy as it is misinformed. Maya Dukmazova is no exception to that rule.

  3. luckily i won't have to deal with people on this level while getting signatures-i just pivot to a normal person. and cpd takes protecting petitioners almost as seriously as they do the Cubs


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