Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Cook County Democratic Party to hold Pre-Slating on October 14 and 15

The Party's slating meeting has been reset for December 13-14, according to information received.

Persons interested in the pre-slating process need to fill out a Candidate Interest Form. That's the link to the form (which has not yet been updated with the new dates).

Pre-slating applies only to countywide judicial vacancies. Slating for subcircuit vacancies -- whenever the new subcircuit boundaries are actually determined -- are handled by the committeepersons in each subcircuit.

EDITED TO ADD: Candidate Interest Form has been updated.


  1. I have my own form for the Party to complete.

  2. They want $45,000 this time around. You could do a whole lot for yourself with $45,000.


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