Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Chicago Votes uses Injustice Watch "Check Your Judges Guide" in its Vote Center

Chicago Votes bills itself as a "non-partisan, non-profit organization building a more inclusive democracy by putting power in the hands of young Chicagoans. We're engaging and developing a new generation of leaders by opening the doors of government and politics to young people from all corners of the city. We're changing laws to make Chicago and Illinois a better place to be young, and in the process we're making democracy FUN." The organization's website has an "Accomplishments" page where the curious can investigate what "making democracy FUN" means.

Two Chicago Votes officers were on last Friday's Livestream. Also on that program was Injustice Watch Co-Founder Rick Tulsky.

Presumably, then, it is no coincidence that the Injustice Watch Check Your Judges Guide has been adopted by Chicago Votes' Vote Center -- to the point where any judicial candidate listed in red is either "not qualified or flagged by Injustice Watch," even for candidates unanimously approved by all evaluating bar associations. (The reader will have to scroll down a bit to get to the judicial candidate list on the Chicago Votes site.)

Some judicial candidates are listed in blue on the Chicago Votes Vote Center. Some of these are former public defenders, as identified by Injustice Watch, who have unanimously positive bar ratings -- but by no means is this true of all of these. As near as I could tell, however, every former State's Attorney, as idetified by Injustice Watch, at least on the retention ballot, is listed in red.


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