Monday, December 14, 2015

Three file for two new vacancies in 12th Subcircuit; Mangum returns in the 5th

Louis George Apostol is the only candidate so far to file in the Democratic Primary for the Kazmierski, Jr. vacancy in the far north suburban 12th Subcircuit. Apostol is the Executive Director, general counsel and legislative liaison for the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board. As Executive Director, he is responsible for the management and adjudication of all residential, commercial, industrial and farm property tax appeals in Illinois. Licensed as an attorney in Illinois since 1980, Apostol previously served as a Commissioner (trial judge) on the Illinois Court of Claims (from 2003-2008) and, from 1991 to 2003, as Public Administrator of Cook County. Apostol was not "pre-slated" for any new 12th Subcircuit vacancies that might occur (as two did) for special judicial filing period but, in September, when reporting the outcome of the 12th Subcircuit slating meeting, FWIW quoted an email from Northfield Township Committeeman Mike Kreloff, Apostol would be "strongly considered" for endorsement.

Two candidates have filed in the Democratic primary so far for the Mathein vacancy in the 12th Subcircuit, Adam Scott Mathein and Janet Cronin Mahoney. Adam Scott Mathein is a principal in the firm of Mathein & Rostoker, P.C.; he has been licensed in Illinois since 1997. Mahoney is an Assistant State's Attorney; she has been licensed in Illinois since 1987.

Rolling Meadows criminal practitioner Jameika Mangum, withdrew her candidacy for the Williams vacancy in the 5th Subcircuit just last Monday. Today, Mangum filed for the new Eadie-Daniels vacancy in the 5th Subcircuit. She is so far the only candidate to file in this race.

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