Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Judge Esrig unanimously endorsed in 9th Subcircuit

Maria Ballantyne, who handles public relations work for the campaign to elect Judge Jerry Esrig to a 9th Subcircuit vacancy (a seat he now holds per Supreme Court appointment), wrote in to advise that Judge Esrig has been unanimously endorsed the Democratic Committeemen in that subcircuit. To quote from her press release:
For the first time in many years, the Democratic Committee of the 9th Subcircuit has come together to unanimously endorse a candidate, throwing their support behind Judge Jerry Esrig in Cook County’s 9th Judicial Subcircuit race.

Evanston Township Democratic Committeeman Eamon Kelly stated, “Judge Esrig is a great judge. He’s smart, hardworking and fair. We are lucky to have him on the bench, and endorsing him was an easy choice for the Democratic Party.”

City of Chicago 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore agreed, saying, “I’m proud to endorse Judge Esrig because of his strong record of community involvement, his outstanding legal and judicial career, and the unanimously positive evaluations he has received from the bar associations. I will be working hard to support him in the Democratic primary.”
Committeemen in the 9th Subcircuit, which includes Chicago's 49th and 50th Wards (and portions of the 48th, 40th and 41st Wards) as well as and Evanston and Niles Townships (and portions of New Trier, Northfield, and Maine Townships), have a long tradition of independence. A unanimous endorsement of anyone in that subcircuit is indeed newsworthy.


  1. Congratulations to hard-working Judge Esrig. He is an asset to the Bench and the people of Cook County are fortunate to have his service. Also, no less newsworthy, is the unanimous endorsements by the respective subcircuit slating committees of the candidates in the 6th, 7th, and 11th subcircuits. Hats off to all these fine candidates. The Democratic Committeemen in these four subcircuits have got their acts together.

  2. We're getting more subcircuit-wide slated candidates this year than in the recent past. Already 8 of the 11 subcircuits with vacancies have produced slated candidates--and that's without the tightly controlled 3rd and 14th (no vacancy in either). Wonder if this is a trend.

  3. Mr. Leyhane, I have a terribly sad and boring life, so I often pursue the State Board of Elections filings. Lo and behold, I saw a Quarterly Report for Jack Leyhane.

    When are you making your announcement and what race are you running in? Please oh please tell me it is the 6th Subcircuit. You can change your name to Juan Ley Hane, which is Spanish and Swedish for "Johnny Law Man."

    PS: If you run as Juan Ley Hane, don't look for those coveted 6th subcircuit Swede votes at Norwegian Hospital in Humboldt Park, you'll be disappointed.

  4. Oh, Anonymous. I am so sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not running for anything at the moment. From things, perhaps. Creditors, maybe. (

    Thanks for the warning about Norwegian-American Hospital -- but I already knew. I had occasion to be out there one day a few years ago, to see someone about a pending legal matter, and I got in line to see the young lady who was functioning as receptionist and traffic cop. All business was conducted in Spanish, and I was preparing to trot out my best John Wayne/Bob Sirott (¿dónde está la biblioteca?) Spanish as well when the young lady took one look at me and immediately switched to English: "Can I help you, sir?"

    Alas, Anon, I am only Hispanic by marriage. The 6th Subcircuit is quite safe from me.

  5. Congratulations to Judge Jerry Esrig on unanimous support from 9th Subcircuit committeemen. It's a miracle to get all their support, & confirmation that he is an exceptional candidate.

  6. Most definitely a trend. Michael Madigan on the state level, and to a lesser extent, Joseph Berrios, on the county level, are under fire from Governor Rauner and the Republicans. Slating (especially if it is done unanimously) is an indication that there is no intraparty squabbling by the committeemen. No better way for the Dems. to demonstrate their political strength by getting all their countywide and subcircuit slated candidates elected.


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