Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Website launched, September 24 fundraiser planned for Judge Anna Maria Loftus

Supporters of Judge Anna Maria Loftus's bid to retain the 6th Subcircuit seat to which she was appointed in April 2014 have launched a campaign website for their candidate. That's a link to the website in the preceding sentence; a link has also been added to the blog Sidebar.

Loftus's supporters have also scheduled a fundraiser for their candidate, on Thursday, September 24, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., in the 34th Floor Amenity Center at 200 S. Wacker Drive. Tickets for the event, which will be hosted by Hall Prangle and Schoonveld LLC, are $100 apiece. Sponsorships are also available (Bronze - $250, Silver - $500, Gold - $1,000). For more information about the event, or to order tickets, email khull@hpslaw.com.

Loftus began her legal career as a law clerk to then-Appellate Court Justice Michael J. Gallagher. From there, Loftus went to Peterson and Ross, before joining Hall Prangle. At the time the Illinois Supreme Court appointed her to the bench, Loftus was the hiring partner at Hall Prangle. According to her campaign website, while at HPS, Loftus also defended hospitals, doctors and nurses in complex medical malpractice suits. She has been licensed as an attorney in Illinois since 1998.

According to her campaign website, after graduating from the University of Michigan (in 1991), and before attending law school, Loftus "began her career in Chicago at a national non-profit organization to prevent child abuse and neglect where she helped coordinate an international conference welcoming over 2500 participants from 72 countries. Next, she coordinated the development of comprehensive home visiting programs for new parents in Chicago and in communities across the country."

The honorary Co-Chairs of the Loftus campaign are Joseph A. Power Jr. and Jesse H. Ruiz.


  1. Judge Loftus has an excellent temperament and demeanor, and she was a skilled lawyer at Hall Prangle. She is an asset to the Cook County judiciary.

  2. Ay Dios Mio. Someone needs to give this girl and her supporters a clue. You are running unslated in the 6th subcircuit. Why on Earth would you have your fundraiser on the 34th Floor Amenity Center on South Wacker Drive. The question as to whether or not you are at least able to fake it and get your skilled judge self even close to Humboldt Park has been answered.

  3. Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

    It's at here old law firm. I trust it's ok for them to host an event for her there.

  4. @Anon 9:37 -- I agree. It's a good thing when a candidate's former law firm thinks so highly of their former partner that they host a fundraiser. There's no obligation for a former firm to do so, obviously, and no advantage either.

  5. There IS a strong possibility that a Puerto Rican or two will be slinging drinks at the fundraiser so it will be find. Let's not forget about the Mexicans that will soon be hauling the Judge's old office furniture out of the firms storage room.

  6. Anon @7:05 -- En boca cerrada, no entran moscas.

    I think -- I hope -- and, actually, as host and moderator I can pretty much guarantee -- that we're done with this.


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