Thursday, September 17, 2015

Freddrenna M. Lyle campaign website found

Found on the Internet, the campaign website for Judge Freddrenna M. Lyle. That's a link to the campaign website in the preceding sentence; a link has been added to the blog Sidebar.

Judge Lyle currently holds the Stuart vacancy in the 5th Subcircuit pursuant to appointment by the Illinois Supreme Court and, from the campaign website, it appears that Judge Lyle intends to seek election to this vacancy.

Lyle has previously served in other vacancies pursuant to Supreme Court appointment. She was appointed to a 2nd Subcircuit vacancy in 2011. She was later assigned to a vacancy in the 7th Subcircuit. Judge Lyle was slated for an Appellate Court vacancy by the Democratic Party for the 2014 Primary. Before joining the judiciary, Lyle served as Alderman and Committeeman of Chicago's 6th Ward.

Lyle's website notes that she served as President of the Cook County Bar Association in 1990. Her campaign website notes that she has been the recipient of numerous awards in the course of her career, including the Kizzy Image and Achievement Award; the Ralph Metcalfe Award, conferred by Black Contractors United; an Outstanding Woman Award, presented by Women in NAACP; and a Woman of Distinction award, presented by Rainbow PUSH. She lists membership in several civic organizations, including the Park Manor Neighbors, Chatham Avalon Park Community Council, Rainbow PUSH, and the NAACP.


  1. This is the one to watch. Gets appointed out of the 5th, 2nd, and the 7th. Why run? There are still 13 subcircuits left that the Supreme Court can appoint her from. Not to mention the Appellate Court. Strike that last sentence..... I forgot, that was tried in 2014. From Traffic Court to Appellate Court in one graceful leap. Yep, this is the one to watch.

  2. Her nickname is Judge Lady Red on the south side because she is running a red streak from one subcircuit to the next. True. No BS.

  3. Laugh as you may cynical poster, but I was personally moved by her opinion in "In re no turn on red when pedestrians are present" (Rule 23), and her adoption of the defendant driver's "ain't nobody got time for that" defense.

  4. @Anon 11:11 a.m. -- I'm assuming this is a sly pop culture reference? If I quote the Rolling Stones in re: my own pop culture ignorance and say "what a drag it is getting old," will that make you wince?

  5. Um, Anon 11:39 a.m., Judge Lyle was slated for the Appellate Court in 2014, but she never served on that court....

  6. Oh boy, this is disconcerting. I've been arguing the "ain't nobody got time for that" defense in traffic court and you're telling me, Jack, that "In re: No turn on red" does not even exist!

    This may explain the strange reaction from Judge Gillespie whenever I raise it and why she always summons the sheriff when I appear before her. Now I'm totally embarrassed.

    If you tell me Bowers v Hardwick is not a legit case, I'm in a heap load of trouble.

  7. Anon 4:34 p.m. -- *laughing*

    OK, moving on now... quickly....


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