Thursday, August 27, 2015

Alison Conlon campaign website goes on line

Per email received from Thom Mannard, a campaign website has been established for Judge Alison Conlon. That's a link to the website in the preceding sentence; a link has also been added to the blog Sidebar.

Judge Conlon was appointed to the countywide Hogan vacancy earlier this year; earlier this month, the Cook County Democratic Party agreed to support her countywide judicial bid.

Conlon's campaign website notes her extensive pro bono practice before becoming a judge. "Since her appointment to the bench," the campaign website notes, "in addition to her regular judicial duties [Conlon] has volunteered each week in the 'flexible hours' court for parties who are not represented by lawyers, enabling parties to appear before or after hours between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. or 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. to avoid missing work."

Conlon graduated from New Trier High School and got her bachelor's degree from Yale University. She received a master’s degree from Georgetown University and her law degree from Duke Law School. She began her legal career as a law clerk to U.S. District Judge Charles Kocoras. She later served as an Assistant Corporation Counsel. Colon was a partner in the firm of Barnes & Thornburg at the time of her appointment to the bench where, according to her campaign website, "she represented people, businesses, cities and villages in commercial and tort litigation."

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