Thursday, July 23, 2015

Devlin J. Schoop appointed to the Cook County Circuit Court

The Illinois Supreme Court has appointed Devlin J. Schoop to the Cook County Circuit Court vacancy that will be created at the end of this month, when Judge Themis N. Karzenis retires.

The appointment, which was announced by Justice Mary Jane Theis and the Supreme Court in a press release dated July 22, is effective August 10 and will expire on December 5, 2016.

Schoop has been a partner with the law firm of Laner Muchin since 2008. He was a finalist for Associate Judge in 2014. Licensed in Illinois since 1997, Schoop began his legal career as a law clerk to U.S. District Court Judge Blanche M. Manning. Before joining Laner Muchin in 2003, Schoop worked for the firm of Wildman Harrold.

The Supreme Court had previously appointed Schoop to serve on the Hearing Board of the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission; he has served as a panel chair for the ARDC Hearing Board since 2011. He has also volunteered his time for the Cook County Bar Association Criminal Expungement Project and the Center for Elder and Disability Law. Schoop has sat on the boards of the Center for Conflict Resolution and the Cy Pres Award Committee for the Chicago Bar Foundation. He served on the associate board of the Jane Addams Hull House association and recently completed a term on the Board of Managers of the Chicago Bar Association.


  1. I think I'm going insane. I swear I saw a piece on her earlier about a Russ Stewart story about slating and swear I saw an ad for Donald Trump for president. Both gone now. Have I lost it?

  2. The post on the Russ Stewart column is on Page Two (

    The Donald Trump ad? Well, Google picks ads out for my blog pages in the spaces I've set aside for them. Let's just say I have no control over what appears there. (Persons looking to buy an ad from me should look in the Sidebar for more information.)

    I hope that helps.

  3. Usually, Google ads are tailored to the site visitor's web history, so the above commentator must uave been reading some articles about Donald Trump in the recent past


  4. Again with the different set of rules...different standars for Hispanic vacancies versus all others, Black, White or Greek!

    Look at the posting regarding the July 1, 2015 announcement by the Supreme Court about the 6th sub-circuit vacancy and the endless hoops candidates need to jump through just to be considered for appointment to the vacancy crated by the retirement of Judge Leida Gonzalez-Santiago.

    Can someone please tell me what hoops Mr. Schoop jumped to get appointed to the vacancy created by Judge Themis Karzenis' vacancy?

    Oh yeah, nevermind. Just another example of the pathetic "family and friends plan" double-standard that the Supreme Court is so famous for. Okay for everybody to just get tapped on the shoulder and be made a judge except for Hispanics. As in the old "Jim Crow" days, it looks like the 6th sub-circuit has a poll tax.

    As always, E.P.

    P.S. for the Supreme Court...we're watching you. Might put in a call to M.A.L.D.E.F. real soon. Real, real soon.

  5. Theis appointed Schoop. It's very likely he was among the numerous applicants who applied recently when Theis announced 2 countywide vacancies. Since applications were not sought for this vacancy, it's likely Theis had a good number of applicants from her last round of appointments and/or Schoop was a very close runner up last time.

    EP, enough with the conspiracy theories.

  6. I'm not certain where to post this since it covers several topics recently discussed, but there is a new Russ Stewart article out that focuses, in part, on the 6th subcircuit races. Mr. Leyhane can link to it if he finds it relevant. Stewart writes that Anna Loftus, Richard Cooke and Carlos Claudio will be slated in that subcircuit.

    The story also addresses long-standing speculation that efforts are underway to oust Cook County Democratic Party Chairman Joe Berrios from power.

    If things pan out the way Stewart's article predicts, it looks like Joe Berrios will soon be up Dawson's creek without a paddle.


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