Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New group of Associate Judge applicants includes many familiar names

By my entirely unofficial count, 15 current Cook County judges are among the 283 applicants for Cook County associate judge vacancies. Six, Jean M. Cocozza, Alison C. Conlon, Daniel P. Duffy, Rossana P. Fernandez, Aleksandra Nikolich Gillespie, and James L. Kaplan were appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court to countywide vacancies. Eight others hold subcircuit appointments, Maryam Ahmad (1st), Jerry A. Esrig (9th), Edward John King (4th), Anna M. Loftus (6th), Marc William Martin (11th), Eve M. Reilly (10th), Robin D. Shoffner (5th), and Anthony E. Simpkins (1st). The 15th, Joan M. Kubalanza, is serving as an associate judge pursuant to a recall assignment; she became an associate judge in 1998, but left the bench in 1999. She has been serving pursuant to recall orders since 2008.

There are also at least six former judges in this group of applicants, including Diana L. Embil, Allan W. Masters, Daniel Lawrence Peters, Joan Ellen Smuda, Ketki Shroff Steffen, and Alfred M. Swanson, Jr.

A number of candidates who have made previous "short lists" are among this group of applicants as well. Judge Aleksandra Nikolich Gillespie was a 2014 finalist, as were Geraldine Ann D'Souza, Tiffany Mary Ferguson, Myron F. Mackoff, Edward N. Robles, and Devin Joseph Schoop. Finalists from other associate judge classes include Thomas F. Biesty (2012), Theresa Christine Ceko (2009), Lester W. Finkle (2012), and Denise Y. Staniec (2012).

Readers will also note familiar names on the list from prior election cycles. For example, Brian Alexander, Thomas M. Cushing, and Michael A. Strom have all submitted applications for this class. These three were among the five candidates who sought the 9th Subcircuit Preston vacancy in the 2014 Democratic Primary (a noteworthy contest because every one of the five candidates in that race was rated recommended or qualified or better by each and every evaluating bar group, with Cushing and Strom garnering the highest ratings of all).

The Circuit Court's Nominating Committee will eventually cut this list down to two for each vacancy. The precise number of vacancies that will be available when this process is complete can not be determined at this time, but it's a safe bet that somewhere between 240 and 260 of these 283 applicants will not make the eventual short list. Anyone with relevant information regarding any associate judge candidate is invited to communicate by letter to the Circuit Court of Cook County Nominating Committee, c/o Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans, 50 West Washington Street, Room 2600, Richard J. Daley Center, Chicago, Illinois 60602.

Here, then, is the complete list:
1. Ahmad, Keith Najib
2. Ahmad, Maryam
3. Aimen, Julie Bess
4. Airaudi, Joy Christine
5. Albukerk, John Nicolas
6. Alexander, Brian Edward
7. Andreou, Frank John
8. Apostol, Louis George
9. Atcherson, Sophia Jane
10. Bae, Jennifer Eun
11. Bass, Anthony Bernard
12. Baum, Gideon Abraham
13. Baumann, Deidre
14. Beach, Charles Stanley
15. Benjamin, Lawrence Mitchell
16. Benz, Mary Patricia
17. Biesty, Thomas Francis
18. Blake, Sandra Mary
19. Blinick, Robert K.
20. Blonder, Steven Paul
21. Blumenthal, Jeffrey S.
22. Bolger, Kevin Patrick
23. Bracey, Charles Scott
24. Brooks, Thomas David
25. Buikema, Joel David
26. Buntinas, Arunas R.
27. Butler, Krista Denita
28. Byrne, James L.
29. Cage, Patrick B.
30. Calabrese, Camille Ellen
31. Canellis, George Louis, Jr.
32. Caputo, Christina Venditti
33. Carroll, John P., Jr.
34. Casey, Carol Anne
35. Castanes, Theodore John
36. Ceko, Theresa Christine
37. Cenar, Richard G.
38. Chaudhuri, Sean Sohag
39. Chico, Joseph
40. Chimera, Vincenzo
41. Chupack, Joel Louis
42. Cisco, Raymond Peter
43. Clark, Urie Richard
44. Cleary, Gerald Vernon Patrick
45. Coakley, Kellyn Doyle
46. Cocozza, Jean Margaret
47. Coleman, David Joseph
48. Coleman, H. Yvonne
49. Conlon, Alison C.
50. Connolly, Michael Vincent
51. Cooke, Richard Charles
52. Copp, Gary Thomas
53. Cosgrove, Audrey Victoria
54. Coyne, Daniel Thomas
55. Crawley, James Patrick
56. Cunningham, Kevin P.
57. Currin, Margaret Elizabeth
58. Cushing, Thomas Maloney
59. Daly, Colleen Reardon
60. Dauphin, Yolaine Marie
61. De Matteo, Gabriel Joseph
62. Demos, Elena Shea
63. Derico, James Thomas, Jr.
64. Dimond, Karen Jane
65. Dolan, Alice Elizabeth
66. Doss, Rivanda
67. D’Souza, Geraldine Ann
68. Duffy, Daniel Patrick
69. Dunneback, James Francis
70. Dwyer, Robert Andrew, Jr.
71. Elward, William Xavier
72. Embil, Diana Lenore
73. Ertler, Mark Andrew
74. Esrig, Jerry A.
75. Evans, Carl Lauras, Jr.
76. Fanucchi, Charles A.
77. Farmakis, Athena Aphrodite
78. Feldman, Stephen Jason
79. Ferguson, Sharon Elaine
80. Ferguson, Tiffany Mary
81. Fernandez, Rossana P.
82. Ferrante, Mark Vincent
83. Fiaoni, Karla Marie
84. Finkle, Lester Wolfe
85. Fiorentino, Stephen
86. Fitzgerald, Charles Francis
87. Fleming, Dennis Michael
88. Forti, Michael Angelo
89. Fotopoulos, John S.
90. Gallagher, Carolyn Joan
91. George Stewart, AvaM.
92. Gerlach, Bradley C.
93. Gertler, Steven D.
94. Ghezzi, Sheryl Rae
95. Ghouse, Mohammed Mujahid
96. Gillespie, Aleksandra Nikolich
97. Glorioso, Mauro
98. Gonzalez, Peter Michael
99. Goodrum, Cassandra Bernice
100. Gordon, Lisa Copland
101. Green, Jonathan Clark
102. Green, Sanju Oommen
103. Grossman, Edward Ian
104. Gudino, Ruth Isabel
105. Gustafson, Richard Kerr, II
106. Hall, William Henry, IV
107. Hamilton, Carrie Elizabeth
108. Hanlon, James Edward, Jr.
109. Hannon, Maureen O'Donoghue
110. Harvey, Toya Tinette
111. Heilmann, David Michael
112. Helfgot, Ira Neil
113. Heneghan, Patrick Joseph
114. Hernandez, Steven
115. Herrera, David Christopher
116. Hogan, Michael James, Jr.
117. Horan, Kevin William
118. Hovey, Robert Jerome
119. Howlett, Melissa Marie
120. Huge, Lindsay Christopher
121. Hughes, Kevin Christopher
122. Jackson, Doretha Renee
123. John, Patrick Dankwa
124. Johnson, Robert Wade
125. Jones, Preston, Jr.
126. Kaplan, James Lewis
127. Karahalios, Peter George
128. Kardas, Kim Richard
129. Kare, Demetris A.
130. Karkula, Elizabeth Anne
131. Kessler, Sheri C.
132. King, Edward John
133. Kirk, Daniel Andrew
134. Koch, James B.
135. Kopriva, James Warren
136. Kosman, Joseph John
137. Kougias, Thomas Peter
138. Kozicki, Scott Michael
139. Krueger, Steven Philip
140. Kubalanza, Joan Marie G.
141. Kuczwara, Michael Anthony, Jr.
142. Lecompte, Marcelle Marie
143. Levin, Ellis Bernard
144. Levin, Lawrence Wolf
145. Levinson, Joseph P.
146. Leyhane, Francis John, III
147. Loftus, Anna Marie
148. Lubelfeld, Andrea Michelle
149. Luby, William Joseph
150. Luque-Rosales, Mercedes
151. Lyke, John Fitzgerald
152. MacCarthy, Sean Patrick
153. Mackoff, Myron Franklin
154. Malatesta, Michael John
155. Maloney, Daniel Edward
156. Maloney, Edward James
157. Marconi, Jerome Frank
158. Marovich, Michael Jay
159. Marsh, Jordan Eric
160. Martin, Marc William
161. Marubio, Mary Catherine
162. Masters, Allan W.
163. McConville, Terrence James
164. McGinty, Kathleen A.
165. McKenna, Scott D.
166. McNulty, John Wesley
167. Meczyk, Ralph Eugene
168. Melchor, Mary Alice
169. Miller, Stephanie Kathryn
170. Milleville, Annette Lynn
171. Mojica, Lisette Catherine
172. Moltz, Ira Alexander
173. Montes, II, Paul Joseph
174. Moore, Marcellus Harrison, Jr.
175. Mulay, Megan Kathleen
176. Murphy, Arthur Joseph
177. Murphy, James Vincent, III
178. Navarro, David Ricardo
179. Nicolau, Mary Terese
180. Niro, William Luciano
181. Norris, Scott
182. O'Brien, Brendan Alan
183. Ochalla, Kevin John
184. O'Dell, Katherine Angela
185. Orlowski, Jay Roman
186. Ostojic, Radusa
187. Otis, Donna Lynn
188. Outlaw, Jesse
189. Patterson, Monique Lenee
190. Payne, Jennifer Joyce
191. Perkins, Marian Emily
192. Perkins, Robbin Eunise
193. Peters, Daniel Lawrence
194. Pezanoski, Diane Marie
195. Plesha, Gregory Gerard
196. Plotnick, Paul Wil
197. Porada, Robert James
198. Porter, Brian Randall
199. Powell, Tiffanie Brandy
200. Power, Stephen Walter
201. Proctor, Edward George, Jr.
202. Quinn, Jill Rose
203. Rakowski, Leo Steven
204. Raleigh, William J.
205. Rascia, Ronald Anthony
206. Redmond, Darlene
207. Reggi, Martin Douglas
208. Reilly, Eve Marie
209. Reilly, James Michael
210. Repella, Joy Carol
211. Reyes, Marcos David
212. Rice, Ashonta Cherron
213. Richardson, Travis
214. Riley, Shelia Cordelia
215. Rizzi, Steven J.
216. Robles, Edward Nicolas
217. Rodriguez, Federico Martin
218. Rohrer, Gerald Thomas, Jr.
219. Rosado, Joanne F.
220. Rosales, Melinda Marie
221. Ross, Curtis Bennett
222. Saindon, Pamela Lngersol
223. Saltouros, Stephanie D.
224. Sanders, Catherine Dorothy
225. Santana, Jaime Rafael
226. Scanlon, Brian Patrick
227. Schneider, Catherine Ann
228. Schneider, Margaret Elizabeth
229. Schoop, Devlin Joseph
230. Schultz, Bryan David
231. Seaton, Debra Ann
232. Sebastian, Julie Ann Doherty
233. Seeder, Myron Marshall
234. Shapiro, James Anthony
235. Shoffner, Robin Denise
236. Silva, Rosa Maria
237. Simberg, Joel Barry
238. Simpkins, Anthony E.
239. Smith, Judie Lyn
240. Smith, Mary
241. Smith, Trina
242. Smoler, Emma L.
243. Smolka, Julia Jensen
244. Smuda, Joan Ellen
245. Snyder, Martin Dockery
246. Solomon, Donald Scott
247. Spratt, Patricia Susan
248. Springer, Barry A.
249. Spunar-Sheats, Letitia
250. Stacey, Christ Stanley
251. Stahl, Marc B.
252. Staniec, Denise Y.
253. Steadman, Gregory Joseph
254. Steffen, Ketki Shroff
255. Stein, Alon
256. Stephenson, Brian Joseph
257. Stewart, Rodney Walter
258. Strom, Michael Alan
259. Studenroth, David L.
260. Sullivan, Marita Clare
261. Sullivan, William Bernard
262. Sumner, Nyshana Kali
263. Swanson, Alfred M., Jr.
264. Swartz, Mark Francis
265. Thakkar, Shital Hasmukhbhai
266. Thibault, Renee Therese
267. Townsend, Luke Thomas
268. Trevino, Daniel Alexander
269. Tristan, Gerardo, Jr.
270. Trowbridge, Bradley R.
271. Underhill, Edward Joseph
272. Velcich, George Mario
273. Vroustouris, Alexander
274. Wade, Audrey Marie
275. Walsh, Michael D.
276. Ward, Torrick Alan
277. Whiting, Oran Fresno
278. Wilk, John F.
279. Willis, Arthur Wesley
280. Wilson, John Wellington
281. Wrenn, Jeanne Marie
282. Wright, James Adolph
283. Zamparo, Roger, Jr.


  1. All the usual suspects (with all due respect to #146), and few surprises. Looks like the attendance list at one of Ed Burke's fundraisers.

    I've developed an albeit rudimentary logarithm that should be useful is culling who will be on the short list. First, if a person's name does not appear on the state board of elections website as a recent contributor to three or more democratic candidates in the last election cycle, that name automatically is eliminated.

    Next, residents from the 19th, 11th, 13th, and 14th wards, and Oak Park Township advance two spaces.

    Next, if your last name begins with "O'" or Mc" or you cane trace your roots back to Ireland and you are not a resident of the aforementioned locations, you should call your parents and tell them their child will never be a judge.

    Next, if a name appears 4 or more times in the last 6 months on entry logs visiting the 14th floor at 134 N. LaSalle Street, that name advances 5 spaces.

    Next, if the name is a former judge and has been appointed once, advance 2 space; appointed twice; advance 5 space; appointed 3 times; advance 10 spaces; appointed more than 3 times, move to the head of the class.

    Next, if you know them as "Anne, Charlie and Mary Jane," advance four spaces.

    Next, current or former state's attorneys, assistant attorneys general or public defenders, advance by 3 spaces.

    Next, if you have been named as a defense witness on behalf of Joe Berrios, advance 7 spaces.

    Lastly, if you have Mike Madigan's telephone number on your cell phone, you should begin to close your law practice and get fitted for a judicial robe.

  2. Comment # 1 is funny as hell. Great reading and great analysis. The algorithm is by far one of the most precise mathematical formulas I have ever seen. I suspect the author has an advanced degree from M.I.T. Nothing else can explain the beauty of such an elegant fundamental theory taking the reader to the only logical solution to the hypothesis presented. I love this blog. E.P.

  3. My biggest concern is definitely #146. If he makes the cut, who is going to run this blog?

  4. Anon 11:51 a.m. -- I was taught that nobody is irreplaceable....

  5. Don't forget, if the candidate has assisted in the shutdown or non prosecution of a relative of a former elected official whose name ryhtmes with "Baley," advance to a top 10 slot.

  6. Sanju Oommen was inadvertently left off your list of "short-listers" (2014)

  7. I see why... It's now Sanju Oommen Green.

  8. Looks like you also left off Judge Fernandez who was a "short-lister" 2012 and 2014.


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