Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chicago Council of Lawyers releases ratings in countywide judicial races

Updated to reflect corrections made by the Chicago Council of Lawyers to its Report on Judicial Candidates.

The Chicago Council of Lawyers has today released its ratings of judicial candidates for the upcoming March primary election. That link will take you to the CCL website, where you can download (as .pdf documents) both the Council's complete report and a two page sample ballot (issued by the Committee to Elect Qualified Judges but using the Council's recommendations).

In this post, I'll cover the Council's ratings in countywide judicial races. For more about the CCL's judicial evaluation process, see this post or consult the Council's complete report.

I have taken the liberty of making one editorial change in my recital of the Council's individual ratings: Where the candidate is a sitting judge, I have indicated that in the candidate's title (e.g., Judge Mary Smith). Sometimes the Council uses that style, other times it uses the prefix "Hon." and on other occasions omits any title before the candidate's name.

Arnold Vacancy

Bridget Anne Mitchell -- Qualified
Bridget Anne Mitchell was admitted to practice in 1981. She has spent her career in private practice, with an extensive record of civil litigation in more complex matters with experience with both bench and jury trials. Much of her practice involves tort defense, medical malpractice, and wrongful death cases. She is considered to have good legal ability and temperament. The Council finds her Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Judge Alfred M. Swanson – Qualified
Judge Alfred M. Swanson was appointed to the Circuit Court in 2010. He was admitted to practice in 1982. Before taking the bench, he did commercial and construction litigation in private practice. He served for three years as an Assistant Illinois Attorney General in the Consumer Fraud and Charitable Trust Divisions. As Editor of the ISBA Bench & Bar Section Newsletter, he frequently wrote or co-authored articles for publication in the newsletter. As a practitioner, Judge Swanson was considered to have good legal ability and temperament. He was highly regarded as a solid and diligent practitioner. As a judge, he is praised for his temperament and for his courtroom management skills. The Council finds him Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Burke Vacancy

Maritza Martinez – Qualified
Maritza Martinez was admitted to practice in 1989. She is an Associate in the Law Offices of Victor J. Cacciatore where she has a litigation practice in criminal defense, civil law, and administrative matters. She is a Commissioner for the Illinois Court of Claims. She has been an associate at the Law Offices of Robert Fisher doing criminal defense work. In 2004, she was at a small firm doing insurance defense and catastrophic loss work, and from 1991 until 2004, she was with the City of Chicago Department of Law doing prosecution and civil rights defense. Prior to 1991, she spent two years at a small firm doing real estate work. Since November 2007, she has also served part-time as a hearing officer and Commissioner with the Illinois Court of Claims, conducting trials and making recommendations to the Court of Claims judges regarding the disposition of various claims against the State of Illinois. She also currently serves on the Inquiry Board of the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission. Ms. Martinez has litigation experience in both state and federal courts. In 2009 the Council stated in its evaluation: “Ms. Martinez is reported to have good legal ability and is considered knowledgeable about her areas of practice. She has had litigation experience in a variety of areas and she is reported to possess a good temperament. She is active in community activities. The Council finds her Qualified for the Circuit Court.” The results from the current evaluation show that Ms. Martinez has had additional litigation experience in complex areas and she continues to be praised for her temperament, her fairness as a Commissioner, and for her skills as a lawyer. The Council finds her Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Connors Vacancy

Kristal Rivers – Not Qualified

Kristal Rivers was admitted to practice in Texas in 1996 and in Illinois in 1997. She is an Assistant Illinois Attorney General where she practices in the Sexually Violent Persons Bureau. She served as a Dallas County, Texas Assistant District Attorney from 1996 to 2000. In 2000 she returned to Illinois and from 2001 to 2010 practiced law as a solo practitioner and then as a member of a small firm before joining the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. Her work in private practice did not involve more complex litigation matters. Most respondents say that she has good legal ability and temperament. But the Council is concerned that her litigation experience lacks sufficient depth and breadth. Additionally, some lawyers in recent cases have questioned her litigation skills and diligence. On balance, the Council finds her Not Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Judge Peter J. Vilkelis – Qualified
Hon. Peter J. Vilkelis was admitted to practice in 1980. He was appointed to the Circuit Court by the Illinois Supreme Court in 2011. Before becoming a judge, he was in private practice focusing on criminal defense work. He served as an Assistant Cook County State’s Attorney between 1981 and 1990. He is considered to have good legal ability and is praised for his professionalism. He has substantial experience in more complex legal matters. The Council finds him Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Egan Vacancy

Judge Daniel J. Kubasiak -- Qualified
Hon. Daniel J. Kubasiak was admitted to practice in 1981. He was appointed to the Circuit Court by the Illinois Supreme Court in 2012 and is currently assigned to Traffic Court. Before becoming a judge, he had been in private practice for most of his career with the exception of serving as Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Chicago between 1983 and 1987. He had substantial experience in more complex litigation matters. As a lawyer, he is considered as having good legal ability and temperament. He is praised for his litigation skills. As a judge, he is praised as being diligent and respectful to all those before him. The Council finds him Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Felton Vacancy

Patricia O’Brien Sheahan -- Qualified
Patricia O’Brien Sheahan was admitted to practice in 1996. She is currently the Associate General Counsel of the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, where she oversees all litigation and claims made against her employer and its employees. She handles case investigations, pretrial discovery, and settlement negotiation. She handles and defends all employment/labor matters and claims before the EEOC, Illinois Department of Human Rights, and other administrative tribunals, including preparation and questioning of witnesses. She has prepared appellate briefs filed in both the Illinois Supreme Court and in the Illinois Appellate Court. From 1996 to 1999 she was a litigation associate with Baker & McKenzie in Chicago, working in the litigation and employment litigation practice groups. She reports that during her time at Baker, she first chaired a jury trial, represented clients in evidentiary proceedings, defended and took more than 50 depositions, and had an active motion practice. She is active in community affairs. Lawyers report that she has good legal ability and is praised for the quality of her work product. She is considered to be knowledgeable, and always prepared. In general, Ms. Sheahan is considered to be a very good lawyer and case manager with experience in a variety of state and federal litigation matters. The Council finds her Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Howse Vacancy
Hon. Caroline Moreland was admitted to practice in Illinois in November 1995. From 1996-2010 she worked as an Assistant Cook County State’s Attorney. She was appointed to the bench to fill a judicial vacancy in September 2010. As a prosecutor, Judge Moreland was considered to have good legal ability and temperament. She prosecuted felony matters as a First Chair prosecutor. The Council finds her Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Lowrance Vacancy

Judge Thomas Joseph Carroll – Qualified
Hon. Thomas Joseph Carroll was admitted in 1988. He was appointed to the Circuit Court by the Illinois Supreme Court in 2011. He was an Assistant Public Defender for four years, moving from juvenile to misdemeanor to felony work. He had been a sole practitioner specializing in criminal defense. Mr. Carroll is reported to have good legal ability and temperament. Before becoming a judge he had substantial litigation experience in both civil and criminal law matters.
He is praised as being hard-working and well prepared. The Council finds him Qualified for the Circuit Court.

McDonald Vacancy

Judge Cynthia Cobbs -- Qualified
Cynthia Cobbs was admitted to practice in 1988. She was appointed to the Circuit Court by the Illinois Supreme Court in 2011. From 2002 to 2011, she served as the Director of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, where she drafted proposed amendments to Supreme Court rules, administered Supreme Court rules, was responsible for enforcing standards governing filing protocols for the offices of the circuit court clerks, and participated and facilitated Supreme Court committees. From 1997 to 2002, she was an attorney and then the Chief Legal Counsel for the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts. From 1990 to 1997 she was the senior judicial law clerk to Illinois Supreme Court Justice Charles Freeman. Since January 2013 she has been assigned to a civil trial call in the First Municipal District. From 2011 to 2013 she was assigned to the Traffic Division. Judge Cobbs is considered to have good legal ability and is reported to have a good judicial temperament. She is praised for her courtroom management skills in her current assignment. She explains her rulings to the parties and is considered to be knowledgeable, as well as patient with pro se litigants. The Council finds her Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Linda Mastandrea – Not Qualified
Linda Mastandrea was admitted to practice in 1995. She is a solo practitioner focusing on administrative adjudication in cases involving disabled individuals. She has also served as a Hearing Officer for a variety of state and local agencies. Most lawyers report that Ms. Mastandrea is a strong advocate, knows the law, and has a good demeanor. A few, however, questioned her ability to manage cases. She is exceptionally active in community affairs. The Council is concerned, however, that she does not have the substantial litigation experience in more complex matters required to be a Circuit Judge. The Council finds her Not Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Neville Vacancy

Carolyn Joan Gallagher -- Qualified
Carolyn Joan Gallagher was admitted to practice in 1982. She is a solo practitioner focusing on litigation, appellate work, real estate, and transactional matters. She has done commercial litigation in both state and federal courts. Between 1985 and 1992 she was an associate with Dardick & Denlow and between 2000 and 2004 was a Legal Writing Instructor at the DePaul University College of Law. As a writing consultant, she has assisted in the writing and editing of several law practice-related books. Ms. Gallagher is praised for her legal ability and knowledge. She has substantial commercial litigation experience. She is reported to be a zealous advocate for her clients, but she is praised for professional demeanor. The Council finds her Qualified for the Circuit Court.

William B. Raines– Qualified
William B. Raines was admitted to the Illinois bar in 1993 after a number of years in law enforcement. The candidate worked as a Cook County State’s Attorney for a little over one year, from January 1994 through June 1995, in the Narcotics Division. He was Special Counsel to the Freemont Corporation Insurance Company from May 1995 through May 2001. He then became Special Counsel to the National Insurance Crime Bureau’s criminal and civil fraud prosecution department. He remained in this last position until November 2001 when he opened his law practice. During the last few years, Mr. Raines has acquired substantial trial experience to go along with his substantial non-litigation experience. He is considered to have good legal ability and temperament. The Council finds him Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Patricia Susan Spratt – Well Qualified
Patricia Susan Spratt was admitted to practice in 1991. From 1992 to 1995 she was an associate at a small firm doing civil litigation involving securities issues. She then became a partner as Shefsky & Froelich where she does both trial and appellate work. She is considered to have very good legal ability and her knowledge of the law is well regarded. She has written and lectured extensively, including a book on professional responsibility which is used as a source for the members of the Illinois Supreme Court Committee on Professional Responsibility on which she serves. She is considered to be a resource for research and trial tactics. She is praised for her professional demeanor. Ms. Spratt has substantial experience in a variety of complex litigation matters. The Council finds her Well Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Mary Alice Melchor – Not Qualified
Mary Alice Melchor was admitted to practice in 1992. Since 2005 she has served as the Inspector General for the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. From 2003 to 2005 she was the Associate Clerk of the County Bureau for the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, and from 2002 to 2003 served as a Chief Deputy Clerk. She was a sole practitioner from 2000 to 2002 with a general law practice, and was an associate in an insurance defense firm from 1998 to 2000. She was a senior attorney for the Chicago Housing Authority’s Torts Department from 1994 to 1998 and from 1992 to 1993 she was an associate in an insurance defense firm. She reports handling five civil jury cases and 4 bench trials. In 2009, the Council stated in an evaluation, “Ms. Melchor is highly praised for her temperament and for her community service. The Council is concerned, however, because she has not had substantial experience with complex litigation matters. The Council finds her Not Qualified for the Circuit Court.” The current evaluation shows that Ms. Melchor is a smart and respected attorney who works exceptionally hard and is knowledgeable about the areas in which she practices. But she does not have substantial experience in complex litigation matters – an important requirement for any judicial candidate. The Council finds her Not Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Reyes Vacancy

Stephen J. Feldman – Not Qualified
Stephen J. Feldman was admitted to practice in 2001. He is a solo practitioner focused on criminal law matters, including DUI defense. He has served as an Enforcement Attorney with the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office. Since 2003 he has served as a part-time hearing officer at the Secretary of State’s Department of Administrative Hearings where he presides over administrative hearings of petitioners seeking reinstatement of their driver’s license. Mr. Feldman is considered to have good legal ability and knowledgeable about his areas of practice. He is reported to have a good temperament, with high integrity. He has substantial litigation experience, including trial work. These cases, however, are often in less complex matters. This is a close call in light of his substantial experience, but at this point in his career, Mr. Feldman does not have substantial experience in sophisticated matters. The Council finds him Not Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Diana Rosario – Not Qualified
Diana Rosario was admitted to practice in 1989. She currently is in-house Counsel for the City of Chicago Department of Family and Support Services, advising the Department on legal issues. She has served as an Assistant Cook County State’s Attorney, and from 1992 to 1995 she worked as an Administrative Hearing Officer for federal aviation violations. Ms. Rosario is considered to have good legal ability and temperament. She is praised for her knowledge of intergovernmental agreements and other issues related to her current position. The Council is concerned, however, that while she is respected in her current position, she does not have recent litigation experience in more complex matters. On balance, the Council finds her Not Qualified for the Circuit Court at this time.

Veal Vacancy

Judge Andrea Michele Buford – Qualified
Hon. Andrea Michele Buford was admitted to practice in 1986. She was appointed to the Circuit Court by the Illinois Supreme Court in 2011. Before becoming a judge, she had been a sole practitioner since 2001. She served as a Hearing Officer with the Illinois State Board of Education, a Commissioner with the Illinois Court of Claims, and a Hearing Officer with the Illinois Department of Human Services. From 1998 to 2001 she was a Partner with Buford Peters Ware & Zanzitis, and was an Associate and then a Partner with Jones Ware & Grenard from 1986 to 1998. She is exceptionally active in pro bono service and community activities. Judge Buford is reported to have good legal ability, a good temperament and a breadth of experience. She is considered to be hard-working and always well prepared. The Council finds her Qualified for the Circuit Court.

James Patrick Crawley – Qualified
James Patrick Crawley was admitted to practice in 1990. He is currently a sole practitioner. From 1999 to 2002 he was Deputy General Counsel in the Cook County Treasurer’s Office. Before 1999 he was a lawyer in small law firms doing personal injury litigation work. He has substantial experience doing more complex personal injury litigation. Mr. Crawley is praised a solid litigator who is hard-working with a good temperament. He is considered to have good legal ability and is exceptionally knowledgeable. The Council finds him Qualified for the Circuit Court.

Kelly Maloney Kachmarik – Not Recommended
Kelly Maloney Kachmarik did not participate in the judicial evaluation process. The Council finds her Not Recommended for the Circuit Court.

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