Wednesday, February 26, 2014

CBA to post yesterday's Appellate Court forum online and an update on other voter resources

From left to right: Justice John B. Simon, Judge Sharon Oden Johnson,
Mr. David Ellis, Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan, and Justice Shelly A. Harris
Five of the six candidates for the First District of the Illinois Appellate Court attended yesterday's Appellate Court candidate forum, co-sponsored by the Chicago Bar Association and the Appellate Lawyers Association. Only Judge Freddrenna M. Lyle, a candidate for the Gordon vacancy, was unable to attend (she had committed to appear but was fell ill, according to event organizers).

Even if you missed yesterday's forum, you still have an opportunity to see and hear the discussion: The CBA will be posting a link to the presentation on its website. As soon as the link goes live, I will try and have it available here.

Meanwhile, I have a new video link this morning, from the cable-access TV show, "Taped With Rabbi Doug." The show airs on CAN-TV on Monday evenings at 8:30 and Tuesday afternoons at 3:30 p.m. For a complete listing of channels on city and suburban systems where you can find the program, click here.

A quick search of Rabbi Doug's YouTube channel this morning did not disclose any other 2014 Cook County judicial candidate interviews besides this one of 9th Subcircuit candidate Michael A. Strom (Preston vacancy). If I've missed something, I'm sure I'll hear about it.

I did not miss the two latest Law Bulletin surveys of contested Cook County judicial races:
13th Subcircuit (Iosco vacancy)

15th Subcircuit (Doody vacancy).

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