Saturday, February 15, 2014

Advocates Society makes endorsements in some judicial races

The Advocates Society of Polish-American Attorneys has made some endorsements for the forthcoming primary.

Advocates Immediate Past President Michele Hendrickson has confirmed that 10th Subcircuit candidates Katherine A. O'Dell and Anthony C. "Tony" Kyriakopoulos, 12th Subcircuit Republican candidate James Paul Pieczonka, and countywide candidates Alfred M. Swanson, Jr. (Arnold vacancy), Maritza Martinez (Burke vacancy), and Dan Kubasiak (Egan vacancy) all asked for, and received, endorsements from the group. (Former 10th Subcircuit Linda Pauel had also been recommended by the Advocates before she withdrew from the ballot, Hendrickson said.)

The Advocates Society is not a member of the Alliance of Bar Associations for Judicial Screening and therefore can make endorsements (as opposed to issuing ratings) in judicial elections. Because the Advocates only makes endorsements of candidates asking for the group's nod, Hendrickson said that an Advocates endorsement should not be automatically taken as a negative appraisal of other candidates in any given race.

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