Monday, November 25, 2013

Five file (so far) for Billik vacancy in 4th Subcircuit

Updated 10:00 a.m.

Judge Daniel Lawrence Peters holds the Billik vacancy in the 4th Subcircuit pursuant to Supreme Court appointment. He filed nominating papers this morning in an effort to keep his seat.

Four challengers to Judge Peters have so far emerged. Maureen Masterson Pulia filed for the Billik vacancy as a Democrat this morning. She previously ran countywide as a Republican (in 2010) and in the 4th Subcircuit (in 2008). James J. Ryan is making a second bid for judicial office. He filed for a 4th Subcircuit vacancy for the 2012 vacancy, but withdrew before the primary. Brian Joseph Stephenson, who made a bid for the countywide Ward vacancy in 2012, has also filed this morning in this race.

FWIW readers already knew that John J. Mahoney was planning to file for this vacancy.

No one has yet filed as a Republican for this vacancy.

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