Friday, September 27, 2013

What does an alternate candidate do while waiting for new judicial vacancies to open?

FWIW readers will recall that the Cook County Democratic Party named four alternates for countywide judicial office at its recent slating session. These four are pre-endorsed, if you will, for any countywide judicial vacancy that happens to open up between now and the beginning of December, when the cutoff occurs for the special judicial filing period.

None may open up; then again, there could be four or more. The latest list of judicial vacancies posted as of September 20 by the Illinois State Board of Elections shows new vacancies opening up only far Downstate -- a resident circuit court judgeship in Vermilion County (5th Circuit) and another resident circuit court judgeship in Douglas County (6th Circuit).

However, if a vacancy should open up for one of the pre-endorsed candidates in Cook County, that candidate would have to scramble to meet the applicable filing deadline and get up to speed on the campaign. That could get expensive, and quickly, too.

Thus, to build up a warchest in case of need, the supporters of one of the pre-endorsed candidates, Assistant Public Defender Alfredo (Al) Maldonado, are holding a Campaign Kick-Off Event next Wednesday, October 2, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Output Lounge, 1758 W. Grand Ave. in Chicago. Tickets are $50 apiece but sponsorships are available ($100 - Sponsor, $200 - Patron, $500 - Host). To reserve tickets or for more information about the event, email

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