Thursday, September 05, 2013

Diana Rosario campaign plans September 24 fundraiser

Diana Rosario
Supporters of Diana Rosario, recently slated by the Cook County Democratic Party for the countywide Reyes vacancy, have announced a September 24 fundraiser for their candidate at Lazo's Restaurant, 2009 N. Western Avenue in Chicago. The event will run from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and beer, wine and a light buffet will be served.

Tickets for the event are $75 each, but sponsorships are available (Friends - $250, Supporters - $500, Hosts - $1,000). Rosario's campaign does not yet have a website up and running (there is a Facebook page) but more information about the event can be found by emailing There is also a PayPal link in operation where tickets can be purchased.

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